In short even the little Naomi had its reward. But look a little bit.
Bonfici to many zeros sent directly to the madam, sorry, Mom.
Two women. And, of course, the problem is the old satyr kativo.
Too bad the old satyr kativo the problem is already Decree Craxi and that on that occasion when some small group of hotheads in the decree had already seen the horror that would follow the political institutions, including opposition, needed was claiming with TSO mandatory deportation for unholy opponents of SS. Free Market and revered.
Craxi and the decree is the stuff of October 20, 1984.
Something like 26 years 3 months and a few days ago.
After 26 years, 3 months and 4 days the Italians are arranged by their par compared to the advent of a funny thing that strong intertwining with the worst of the worst scum of the available territory National hath been gradually strengthened and should be pasted where institutional leaders acting on behalf of the Italian people.
And if he is stronger for a reason.
As there is also a reason why in other European countries a similar shape has not caught on, indeed, which has the proven when the door was accompanied by the ears and sent back whence he had come with a simple kick in the ass (France and Spain, for example, where they will have many flaws but still know how to recognize an entrepreneur from a rogue mafiosetto).
The Italians did not like that are puzzling about how to get rid of him but what seemed to be adequate so far has run satori always proved a dismal failure, and this for one simple reason.
The Italian will probably have to distort itself and its history to overcome the concept of tribal communities who brought along for centuries. For tribal
mean the inability of Italian to be able to go beyond an argument that does not reflect only the 2:00 to 3:00 the basic needs of his tribe, looking to the rest of the world with the exclusive use of blinders that these needs are and then has had a good game the rise of a tribal leader who has used his slogans able to take root in those who, with the same metric reasoning of those who live in a village of mud huts perched on a hill, we have seen the rich get stranger with a bag of colored beads.
And this is not just about those funny little man with the message of Arcore hooked like a Crògnolo but (and especially) those who have acknowledged the deception that the funny little man carried with him.
The point at which we arrived, however, is a point of no return.
Because it is true that the rules introduced by the mentors of the funny little man Arcore contains in itself the worst of the DNA Italiot and made its flag, but at this point is to decide how to reverse course and start a war to final not so much Berlusconi and his troop of servants losers, but that system of thought that forms the land on which the butcher social act has been able to grow and get to the point where we are.
And nothing would indicate that there is an end soon, or not Berlusconi.
I used the term "war" because in my humble opinion, we are no longer in a position to miss the forest because the trees and concentrate all efforts on the mausoleum of Arcore can be profitable in only one case: go down million in road, pick it up and drive him from Palazzo Grazioli, Montecitorio, Costa Smeralda, in short from Antigua where you like, close the seagull he and his servants and throw away the key.
Then Obama is also a treat.
But of those who voted and continue to vote for him, those who truly believe that there is judicial persecution in place, those who only have to see how rich our premier trumpet as our Prime Minister, how much luxury and pheega turns our Prime Minister, what is good at do business with Putin, Qaddafi and clean-cut like little people, those who do?
Since the Maoist re-education camps here can not be done just for the fact that it would take to contain only half the boot, we need to go in the meantime and see what the problem, and that of pheega is a problem.
A big problem.
begin by saying that Italians are repressed and the chorus of approval of the performances of the head berluscones it is a clear proof.
I also like the pheega But not everything I do 'I'm casino.
I need to go around with a megaphone to shout about in case anyone had not understood.
Let's face it once and for all and beviamoci above.
It could not be otherwise after several centuries in which the stability of the whole of the Law trombanti not in public (while no one in their private, from 5 to 500 years, man or woman was safe).
And then we should decide once and for all those starting a coalition of Catholic double standards in the course of his human, spiritual, family, work and overall, he knows he can do without.
Indeed, the Church knows that by denying any authority and any authority, she can earn.
But no.
The official opposition, indeed, can not break away from the skirts of the Holy Mother Church, from his lies, his foul connivance made a realpolitik capable of supporting the most vile abominations except scream to the crime of treason when it is recalled that the message which should lead to anything but talk.
And chase the skirts of the Church has sent literally to hell 40 years of heritage of struggle and achievements of the post-war left had failed to conquer.
I was wondering what the hell to post in the most left-wing parties serve 6 or 5 out of which the alleged constitutional arc. Well, if we want to give a definition of the concept of tribal society would say that this is an example that more point. And
substrate on which the "qulturale" in the Berlusconi feed grows more luxuriant than ever.
If we want to add up to this tribal concept of leadership, cazzonaggine, congenital stupidity, arrogance and taking away from what is the feeling that reigns in the streets and on the job here is the dish served.
And then the war should start doing it door to door.
Recognize the symbols of power and identify them, give them a name, one by one.
pheega And as that shown by Minetti, from Santanché from Gelmini & Carfagna, Letizia families, here, this is a problem.
Just as the League of workers who vote.
I'll beat your ass if this is an aspect and not the global issue of sexism.
E 'but one of its most formidable fertilizers.
The use of the body, the violation of intimacy granted only for power, the desire to appear, the order to fatten the bank account of himself and of his own tribe.
This mindset, which has not discovered some of the funny little man in Arcore, you build empires.
And there are women who choose to respond to this design.
subvert this order is possible only with a shared action of men and women who do not accept this logic.
But to think that there is an entire category of innocent people, the problem is only and only the structure of the system when it is already seated on the throne monolithically with millions of devotees and devotees ready to defend at any cost, well this is the best way to take a hatchet in the balls.
Apparently admit this thing hurts. Sin is not only to discover that the male is solely responsible for centuries of exploitation, oppression and violence.
Too bad, eh. But
to 'I will however not be time to pack it with mica tribal claims?
And it is time instead to initiate claims based shared values \u200b\u200band begin to wake up to attack very specific targets of zero, one by one, with no savings and no rebates? Here
the innocent do not exist, a few cocks.
We are in a patriarchal system, oligarchic, authoritarian, sexist, and mystifying.
But we have the means to understand.
Books, newspapers, internet, Cronaca Vera and lots of other stuff that up to 20 years ago could only dream of.
There are no more excuses.
What is to be disrupted this approach - I repeat - purely tribal conception of the aggregate of individuals here in Italy seems to have become our trademark and our damnation.
It would be the case if all, individually, we begin to understand what is che non va dentro di noi, dove è che smettiamo di essere comunità e restiamo attaccati alla nostra tribù.
Pensate a cosa provereste se nella lotta contro questa deriva apparentemente inarrestabile, invece di ritrovarci sempre coi soliti con i quali ce la cantiamo e ce la suoniamo con le bandierine tutte uguali ci ritrovassimo con semplici individui a cui non serve e non è necessario chiedere razza, religione, orientamento sessuale, genere, mod. 740 e CV ma che hanno semplicemente ucciso l'italiota da tribù dentro di sè..
Fino a quel momento buon Berlusconi e buona Santanchè a tutti.
(nella foto: il Ragionier Costanzo & famiglia)
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