Cases of life.
Outside in the many squares in Italy a million people paraded in the name of womanhood and women - never mind the reactions of dell'ammore Party and its supporters (thanks Mazzetta), noting the human misery has become a mere exercise in style - yours truly worked 13 hours at a dance marathon during the which I have seen pull between about 400 dancers, with a percentage for the second close to 90% between 6 and 25 years.
That's when I saw women all day.
And as they are beautiful. All.
From 6 years old chicks lined up near the scenes with the costume that you happened to look around as if they were in an enchanted world and that it passes some rude drivers are made by passing the ogre as if to walk between those who weaned fierce frown and do their work, and that it passes next few rude driver you are passing by as if he were an ogre.
On the other hand their faces as we blame them.
But are there for them and their service and for me it's very exciting to take care of these girls assuring them that their performance, their party, their emotion is something special and that eventually - as was - all go away happy and radiant.
In this context I have not had that faint echo from the outside about the event yesterday, because there's a little crowded lately, as they marched Saturday in 500 for a boycott of Israel and I do not begin to understand more on a saw when they took to the streets and with whom and for what. Already
barely keep the pace of work.
However, it seems, my city did not look good and the thing I was not at all surprised, because he who has the myth of revolutionary red and Livorno will be well that you begin to wake up at Modin, and ask for cappuccino and piece back in the real world.
There's quite a handful of activists, it is true, we have a counter-city thanks to the boys of non-stop in front of which is a must take off his hat, but the feeling of being in a fort in his city is also and is very, very sharp.
However if you are irritated berluscones is a good sign, however it turns.
If there is a miracle as the Gelmini honor of yet another display of foolery and cialtroneria for us all is a plus in classifica; è ora, anzi, che parlino, si esprimano, vomitino tutta la loro bile da servi quali sono, a maggior ragione ora che il loro ducetto traballa.
Vogliamo sentir loro perdere il fiato nel declamare la propria ignoranza, il proprio squallore umano, la propria miserabile condizione di condannati al Brutto, come il link al blog di Mazzetta che ho messo sopra ci mostra in tutto il suo orrore.
Davanti alla gioia scintillante delle centinaia di ragazze ansiose di danzare che ho visto ieri non c'era traccia, di questa brutta gente, proprio come, spero, nelle piazze di ieri.
Perché se c'erano, potevano solo vergognarsi di sè stessi. Ammesso che siano ancora capaci di provare vergogna.
(Nella foto: I do not need five fingers, I would take a)
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