The last time I voted I think it was a cross on the symbol of proletarian democracy, I was very young and I was convinced that hut would have led directly to 69 by '68, as we see when we get to 48 (please Who plays these three numbers and won to pay at least a 10% to me).
Now, it may happen that there are new elections.
I say, it can happen but maybe not.
And if it does not happen is because maybe there is an opposition determined to disrupt the lives of Italians finally a model that we are doing to become the laughingstock of the world? Come
Today Pisan altar boy and nephew of the Dioscuri Funny Omino di Arcore Gianni Letta, cioè Enrico, ci propina l'ennesimo piano strategico del maggior (sob) partito di opposizione.
Governo con Maroni premier ma anche Tremonti.
Ora, alle uscite a membro di Dogo argentino della classe dirigente piddina ci siamo abituati, appena un esponente PD dice qualcosa che abbia senso per l'elettorato che vorrebbero rappresentare l'asse terrestre registra dei piccoli spostamenti e sul mare di fronte al moletto del Sonnino appaiono branzini da 6 chili, il punto è un altro.
Parlo all'elettore medio PD.
Quello che ogni tre parole ci infila i termini "progetto" e "territorio".
Quant'era alto il seggiolone dal quale siete caduti da small?
No, sorry. Too aggressive.
Put it this way: as you would be willing to support such a government can know what will grace your kind words about temporary employment, jobs, ethical issues, civil rights and other 7,977 items on which you were able to say and not say anything and the opposite of everything?
And how do you present to the citizens with an IQ higher than that of a barbecue to be turned off by explaining the alternative to Berlusconi?
How will you explain to people why D'Alema got up one morning and gives us the perfect recipe and the next morning and said Bersani but you have to put ten million signatures on the statements, because the vote does not have the head, then there Veltroni waving her hands and wants to go to the streets because he lost two elections better than anyone (I have to say that there is genius in the man) and now comes the most disturbing Pisa the time of Barban (former player of Pisa who scored the winning goal last victory of the peasants in Livorno) to choose the candidate for prime minister even that does not take away from the performance by private back room of the butcher of the Prime Minister but from a slaughterhouse economic that is affecting social and salt in the heart of the whole nation.
Well, what I would like to know is how do you dodge the brick that will be delivered right to you in response?
(In the picture: Molotov, nominated as President of the Board in a broad coalition government by Fassino, until he annucia sad to "Reform": "They tell me that is not good."
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