Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Almost Like Poptropica


E 'massacre.

I'm following on Twitter with the now famous # Jan25 feed what is happening in Egypt.
E 'already loaded some video on youtube, one is below.

From the evidence of who had what appeared to Tahir Square pro-Mubarak protesters have turned out the police regime mixed with prisoners who were pulled out from the prisons, armed, paid and sent to slaughter the crowd.

Some protesters were dressed as police stopped and recognized, he was taken off the card to prove who had actually

the Egyptian Museum, was attacked and - it seems - is burning.
The police and secret police have taken Mubarak citizens who guarded the streets to protect the protesters and loaded them on vans.
Police also removed from gasoline vehicles and attacked protesters closed in Tahir Square with Molotov cocktails.
In other cities, protesters were attacked with horses and camels.
You shoot and you die, the wounded in less than two hours, more than 500, not counting the dead for now.
By nightfall the lights were turned off Tahrir Square and the people are stuck in square controlled by police loyal to the regime.
no trace of the army. It is feared
a bloodbath.

Mubarak not only is killing his people, Egypt is killing.

Mubarak from the funny little man who claimed we were to Arcore lesson in democracy.

Mubarak, as Frattini said, "you can not overthrow by force a democratic government."

Now there we made the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect or do you use the doodles?


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