Potrebbe sembrare una lamentela oziosa quella di prendere atto di come siano cambiati i rapporti con le autorità e le cosiddette FF.OO. (no, non le Fiamme Oro, parlo delle forze dell'ordine), specialmente ora che nelle piazze del Nord Africa si ammazza gente come fossero zanzare, ma oggettivamente parlando credo proprio che la discussione abbia invece un senso.
Anzi, che abbia un suo perché proprio alla luce di quanto successo Egypt and Libya in the first hour (not including Yemen, Bahrain and who knows what else after). The main idea
gave this to me THIS POST Venturik that I read in the lobby of the theater while waiting for the show last night went to the scene.
fighters, the Municipal Police. Let's talk, although the analysis of Richard there would be very little to add.
This suggests that the gap has widened between citizens and authorities, who now talk of currency "in the service of citizens" with this current government sounds like a pitiful taken to the buttocks, which are the so-called municipal simply by squeezing more devastated pockets of the citizens, when the inquisitors second laws just made for each round of tournament to find a way to make life a living hell.
Try to get a job in the center of Livorno, for example.
ZTL, pedestrian area, with letters, special area for disabled false (yes, because after what I've seen the holders of preferred parking spaces for the disabled are good only in terms of percentage of disabled parking), but no area for those in There is no center to fuck or shoppettare but to work.
parking fee after 2 hours you should come out and put another 2 € for parking meters, car parks or it costs 10 euro per day.
And usually the time at which detachment there is NO public transport mi può riportare a casa (10 km dal centro).
Si capisce che ho un cospicuo numero di multe, e ok. Le pago e vado avanti, anche se per ora soluzioni al problema non ne trovo.
Quando si alzerà il primo refolo di vera rivolta, quando la gente comincerà ad andare in piazza incazzata come nel nord Africa, ecco, io quelli lì sono i primi che andrò a cercare, e potete metterci il timbro a secco che non sarò solo.
E già andata di lusso a quei municipali che l'estate scorsa volevano sequestrare con fare inutilmente protervo la merce dei senegalesi che stanno tranquillamente lungo il viale a mare senza importunare nessuno vendendo la solita merce che tutti i senegalesi di stanza qui a Livorno hanno da sempre.
Difatti i municipali vennero circondati da qualche decina di - teppisti? terroristi? delinquenti? - no, da cittadini, padri di famiglia, anziani e ragazzi.
E si sono presi anche qualche ceffone.
E gli è andata di lusso.
Avreste dovuto leggere l'articolo sul "Tirreno" traboccante di indignazione e scandalo. Come ci si permette di toccare un tutore dell'ordine.
Così come quando sono intervenuti durante la consueta occupazione di tre giorni da parte degli antagonisti della Fortezza Nuova a cavallo del primo maggio.
L'occupazione in genere è concordata con l'Amministrazione Comunale.
E i municipali vennero semplicemente a provocare.
E anche lì le hanno prese. Oh, qualche manata nel viso a fine propedeutico, niente di che.
Ma ormai ci siamo.
Hanno voluto i vigili militarizzati, le Equitalia & c.?
Bene, benzina sul fuoco che fra poco gli esploderà nel culo.
E uno dei perché é l'inutile protervia italiota grazie alla quale basta avere una mostrina ed una divisa per credere di potersi permettere qualsiasi mancanza di forma di rispetto, nonché traboccare di arroganza anche senza giustificazione.
E prima o poi, come la fisica quantistica insegna, qualcuno si fa girare violentemente le palle.
Allora diventa chiaro che ricorsi, petizioni, contestazioni etc. etc. non servono a nulla, quindi per forza di cose tocca andare allo head-on collision.
They say we're too good to get to do as in the Maghreb area.
I do not think so.
We are a potentially wealthy country and that the dignity of living know it, we are realizing only unbelievers who want to take that away.
Wait for it to fully realize what they're up and you'll see what happens.
And, their goodness, the municipalities are one of those categories that we are showing it with commendable zeal.
What I want to be clear is that when he gets up to certain levels of social tension must be very careful in determining what to expect.
And the impression is that Italy is a powder and the like Tunisia, l'Egitto e la Libia, più lenta a carburare.
Solo che qua - ed è lì che sbaglia - il nostro Buffo Omino di Arcore pensa che Piazzale Loreto sia un incidente del passato.
Povero illuso.
Io però rimango dell'avviso che preferirei tenerlo in vita mentre il suo impero gli si sgretola davanti e tenerlo pedissequamente informato sul come e sul perché. Vivo e rosicante.
Tanto, come Ben Alì e Mubarak, questi come devono lasciare le leve di comando si ammalano o schiantano addirittura senza far sprecare pallottole.
Son fatti così, se non comandano si sentono morire.
Come Craxi.
Lasciamoli lavorare, quindi, si stanno scavando la fossa con le proprie mani.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Free Printable Driving Test
The Masonic symbol on the right column is the logo of the band to which I belong.
The word "punk is whatever you make out of it" is a link that leads to the blog of the group.
We preferred a platform to the blog page on facebook because although we formed two years ago we have a story and, hopefully, a future and prefer to do rather than tell the window.
There are songs, some in the final version, other demo version of songs by groups which have been a member years ago, photos, updates, stories and more that will be added as we go along.
Around a band turn a lot of things that have all as the theme music, because of fans there are fortunately still expose themselves to public ridicule that we are building.
After some of us were standing for nearly two decades. Gradually
will win some familiar face, or at least not known.
Anyway, for now we are content with this blog to introduce ourselves and see what happens.
no more, the rest is and will be there. Sorry for the
automarchetta and who wants us go ahead jump.
Oh, it's only rock 'n roll.
The Masonic symbol on the right column is the logo of the band to which I belong.
The word "punk is whatever you make out of it" is a link that leads to the blog of the group.
We preferred a platform to the blog page on facebook because although we formed two years ago we have a story and, hopefully, a future and prefer to do rather than tell the window.
There are songs, some in the final version, other demo version of songs by groups which have been a member years ago, photos, updates, stories and more that will be added as we go along.
Around a band turn a lot of things that have all as the theme music, because of fans there are fortunately still expose themselves to public ridicule that we are building.
After some of us were standing for nearly two decades. Gradually
will win some familiar face, or at least not known.
Anyway, for now we are content with this blog to introduce ourselves and see what happens.
no more, the rest is and will be there. Sorry for the
automarchetta and who wants us go ahead jump.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Semi Permanent Makeup
To post a comment on the website of the Unit I access to Facebook.
Then do not really understand a shit.
But really shit.
I take note. Although the case of
piddini it is a tad obvious.
bad comment because the proclamation of that infamous coward of Pansa (title: "I almost Berlusconi vote") would be a pleasure.
To post a comment on the website of the Unit I access to Facebook.
Then do not really understand a shit.
But really shit.
I take note. Although the case of
piddini it is a tad obvious.
bad comment because the proclamation of that infamous coward of Pansa (title: "I almost Berlusconi vote") would be a pleasure.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What Should I Name My Black Baby
explodes in a blaze of titles and accompanying photos with the funny little man Arcore posing angry, joy, release of newspapers rogue immediate left through the ritual with which we will process the most powerful man and at the same time ridiculous in Italy.
That is, stuff had to be made at least twenty years ago, simply asking to Mr Silvio Berlusconi Luigi was how he made money.
Some people enjoy themselves the same even if in the meantime, the funny little man took the time to do the damage that not even the sum of typhoons in the last 50 years would have dreamed of doing.
Soon there will be a reckoning.
Or so it should be.
Because once chased the man there is a whole host of courtiers, pimps, licking, and hired merdaglia like that will keep my head around pretending to spring up behind the usual "following orders."
fact, the real opportunity for the country Italy should be represented the ability to show the world, for once in history, not a country that offers always the loophole to those licking, pimps, courtiers etc.etc. to reappear with new dress on the pedestal to make the people Marameo ox with a new look and new great benefices.
not a question of transformation, is a question of dignity of a country.
We are a people that not only do not learn from their mistakes by repeating them finding creative energy every time a way to impress even the most experienced participation dynastic dictatorships still in vogue for the ease with which they give to the people to drink the most amazing shit just by changing the badge on his jacket. On the other hand
da un popolo capace di cominciare una guerra da una parte e finirla dall'altra mi pare il minimo.
E' già tanto se De Gasperi non ha chiesto la restituzione dell'Istria e della Dalmazia nonché l'annessione del canton Ticino come danni di guerra, perché siamo anche di quelli che poi vogliono anche cento lire di resto.
Insomma, tutta quella marmaglia che ancora si affanna a propagare il Verbo del padrone, quest'omino ridicolo e buffonesco grazie al quale siamo diventati la barzelletta del mondo, dove li mettiamo?
I Gasparri. I La Russa. I Capezzone. I Bondi. I Brunetta. Le Santanché. I Feltri. I Lupi. I Belpietro. I Porro. I Sallusti. E più giù, scendendo nelle viscere del pianeta, i Quagliariello, gli Stracquadanio, le Santelli, le Bernini, le Prestigiacomo, i Masi, i Minzolini, i Paragone, insomma tutto quel serraglio di tentativi di individuo che strillano a pro di un simile buffone assiso da 15 anni nei gangli vitali della nazione col solo merito di aver dato mano a qualsiasi banda di criminali della penisola, non vorrete mica continuare a goderveli in cinemascope, 3D e sensorround, ANCORA, dopo quello che hanno fatto agli italiani onesti?
Voi che dite?
Spariranno in silenzio, muti e costipati, o saremo costretti a descriverne ancora le infami gesta, magari con la spillettina recante un bel ramoscello d'ulivo sulla giacca?
O magari recitar tonitruanti invettive con il logo del Terzo Polo proiettato dietro di loro?
Meanwhile, waiting to see if the funny little man will be put aside.
Then begin the final comic.
I play 3 to € 4.25 to SNAI.
(photo: some try to recycle them)
explodes in a blaze of titles and accompanying photos with the funny little man Arcore posing angry, joy, release of newspapers rogue immediate left through the ritual with which we will process the most powerful man and at the same time ridiculous in Italy.
That is, stuff had to be made at least twenty years ago, simply asking to Mr Silvio Berlusconi Luigi was how he made money.
Some people enjoy themselves the same even if in the meantime, the funny little man took the time to do the damage that not even the sum of typhoons in the last 50 years would have dreamed of doing.
Soon there will be a reckoning.
Or so it should be.
Because once chased the man there is a whole host of courtiers, pimps, licking, and hired merdaglia like that will keep my head around pretending to spring up behind the usual "following orders."
fact, the real opportunity for the country Italy should be represented the ability to show the world, for once in history, not a country that offers always the loophole to those licking, pimps, courtiers etc.etc. to reappear with new dress on the pedestal to make the people Marameo ox with a new look and new great benefices.
not a question of transformation, is a question of dignity of a country.
We are a people that not only do not learn from their mistakes by repeating them finding creative energy every time a way to impress even the most experienced participation dynastic dictatorships still in vogue for the ease with which they give to the people to drink the most amazing shit just by changing the badge on his jacket. On the other hand
da un popolo capace di cominciare una guerra da una parte e finirla dall'altra mi pare il minimo.
E' già tanto se De Gasperi non ha chiesto la restituzione dell'Istria e della Dalmazia nonché l'annessione del canton Ticino come danni di guerra, perché siamo anche di quelli che poi vogliono anche cento lire di resto.
Insomma, tutta quella marmaglia che ancora si affanna a propagare il Verbo del padrone, quest'omino ridicolo e buffonesco grazie al quale siamo diventati la barzelletta del mondo, dove li mettiamo?
I Gasparri. I La Russa. I Capezzone. I Bondi. I Brunetta. Le Santanché. I Feltri. I Lupi. I Belpietro. I Porro. I Sallusti. E più giù, scendendo nelle viscere del pianeta, i Quagliariello, gli Stracquadanio, le Santelli, le Bernini, le Prestigiacomo, i Masi, i Minzolini, i Paragone, insomma tutto quel serraglio di tentativi di individuo che strillano a pro di un simile buffone assiso da 15 anni nei gangli vitali della nazione col solo merito di aver dato mano a qualsiasi banda di criminali della penisola, non vorrete mica continuare a goderveli in cinemascope, 3D e sensorround, ANCORA, dopo quello che hanno fatto agli italiani onesti?
Voi che dite?
Spariranno in silenzio, muti e costipati, o saremo costretti a descriverne ancora le infami gesta, magari con la spillettina recante un bel ramoscello d'ulivo sulla giacca?
O magari recitar tonitruanti invettive con il logo del Terzo Polo proiettato dietro di loro?
Meanwhile, waiting to see if the funny little man will be put aside.
Then begin the final comic.
I play 3 to € 4.25 to SNAI.
(photo: some try to recycle them)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Jump From Laying Down
Cases of life.
Outside in the many squares in Italy a million people paraded in the name of womanhood and women - never mind the reactions of dell'ammore Party and its supporters (thanks Mazzetta), noting the human misery has become a mere exercise in style - yours truly worked 13 hours at a dance marathon during the which I have seen pull between about 400 dancers, with a percentage for the second close to 90% between 6 and 25 years.
That's when I saw women all day.
And as they are beautiful. All.
From 6 years old chicks lined up near the scenes with the costume that you happened to look around as if they were in an enchanted world and that it passes some rude drivers are made by passing the ogre as if to walk between those who weaned fierce frown and do their work, and that it passes next few rude driver you are passing by as if he were an ogre.
On the other hand their faces as we blame them.
But are there for them and their service and for me it's very exciting to take care of these girls assuring them that their performance, their party, their emotion is something special and that eventually - as was - all go away happy and radiant.
In this context I have not had that faint echo from the outside about the event yesterday, because there's a little crowded lately, as they marched Saturday in 500 for a boycott of Israel and I do not begin to understand more on a saw when they took to the streets and with whom and for what. Already
barely keep the pace of work.
However, it seems, my city did not look good and the thing I was not at all surprised, because he who has the myth of revolutionary red and Livorno will be well that you begin to wake up at Modin, and ask for cappuccino and piece back in the real world.
There's quite a handful of activists, it is true, we have a counter-city thanks to the boys of non-stop in front of which is a must take off his hat, but the feeling of being in a fort in his city is also and is very, very sharp.
However if you are irritated berluscones is a good sign, however it turns.
If there is a miracle as the Gelmini honor of yet another display of foolery and cialtroneria for us all is a plus in classifica; è ora, anzi, che parlino, si esprimano, vomitino tutta la loro bile da servi quali sono, a maggior ragione ora che il loro ducetto traballa.
Vogliamo sentir loro perdere il fiato nel declamare la propria ignoranza, il proprio squallore umano, la propria miserabile condizione di condannati al Brutto, come il link al blog di Mazzetta che ho messo sopra ci mostra in tutto il suo orrore.
Davanti alla gioia scintillante delle centinaia di ragazze ansiose di danzare che ho visto ieri non c'era traccia, di questa brutta gente, proprio come, spero, nelle piazze di ieri.
Perché se c'erano, potevano solo vergognarsi di sè stessi. Ammesso che siano ancora capaci di provare vergogna.
(Nella foto: I do not need five fingers, I would take a)
Cases of life.
Outside in the many squares in Italy a million people paraded in the name of womanhood and women - never mind the reactions of dell'ammore Party and its supporters (thanks Mazzetta), noting the human misery has become a mere exercise in style - yours truly worked 13 hours at a dance marathon during the which I have seen pull between about 400 dancers, with a percentage for the second close to 90% between 6 and 25 years.
That's when I saw women all day.
And as they are beautiful. All.
From 6 years old chicks lined up near the scenes with the costume that you happened to look around as if they were in an enchanted world and that it passes some rude drivers are made by passing the ogre as if to walk between those who weaned fierce frown and do their work, and that it passes next few rude driver you are passing by as if he were an ogre.
On the other hand their faces as we blame them.
But are there for them and their service and for me it's very exciting to take care of these girls assuring them that their performance, their party, their emotion is something special and that eventually - as was - all go away happy and radiant.
In this context I have not had that faint echo from the outside about the event yesterday, because there's a little crowded lately, as they marched Saturday in 500 for a boycott of Israel and I do not begin to understand more on a saw when they took to the streets and with whom and for what. Already
barely keep the pace of work.
However, it seems, my city did not look good and the thing I was not at all surprised, because he who has the myth of revolutionary red and Livorno will be well that you begin to wake up at Modin, and ask for cappuccino and piece back in the real world.
There's quite a handful of activists, it is true, we have a counter-city thanks to the boys of non-stop in front of which is a must take off his hat, but the feeling of being in a fort in his city is also and is very, very sharp.
However if you are irritated berluscones is a good sign, however it turns.
If there is a miracle as the Gelmini honor of yet another display of foolery and cialtroneria for us all is a plus in classifica; è ora, anzi, che parlino, si esprimano, vomitino tutta la loro bile da servi quali sono, a maggior ragione ora che il loro ducetto traballa.
Vogliamo sentir loro perdere il fiato nel declamare la propria ignoranza, il proprio squallore umano, la propria miserabile condizione di condannati al Brutto, come il link al blog di Mazzetta che ho messo sopra ci mostra in tutto il suo orrore.
Davanti alla gioia scintillante delle centinaia di ragazze ansiose di danzare che ho visto ieri non c'era traccia, di questa brutta gente, proprio come, spero, nelle piazze di ieri.
Perché se c'erano, potevano solo vergognarsi di sè stessi. Ammesso che siano ancora capaci di provare vergogna.
(Nella foto: I do not need five fingers, I would take a)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Brown Cervical Mucus When Wiping
Tomorrow I will not go to any event.
The reason is very down to earth: they are working. 8 / 13 and 17/24 if it works well otherwise.
So I'll be content to enjoy the acrobatics of this company which will be on stage tomorrow night for the note:
There are dance companies before which even the layman like myself can not do nothing but take the hat (actually a helmet having regard to the safety rules) and moved to thank the entertainment offered.
I had, among others, will see twice the company Kataklò,
and three times Momix Moses Pendleton,
that are completely different in the message, but it gives the same feeling alienating the immensity of the variables that the human body can be expressed to convey Beauty.
In these shows the lights have a role certainly evocative and essential complement but can never remove the primary focus towards the human body and the evolution of these wonders of nature that perfectly sum up dance, gymnastics and expressive body art. Often we find ourselves from the wings
dancers that come out of their context and stationed in the fifth while they wait to go back: We watch them as they recharge for two minutes, panting, sweating, property with an eye fixed on the scene occupied by others and seems to see the albatross personified as Baudelaire described it.
(this one I made during the show dell'Aterballetto of Reggio Emilia and other "monsters" can not miss if you are in your area)
And then you see these guys out again and start literally trajectories to fly and to do that is difficult to follow even in thought. Only after a bit inside, you feel it too the movement is in sync with the bulk of who is dancing and hear what may communicate who is dancing.
Before and after the show these guys you meet them at the bar of the theater or dressing rooms and have their faces reality by Endemol.
have clean faces and marked by so much hard work, by hours of grueling tests, training, study of the choreography. Also marked by the joy of dancing and a beautiful sight to help with emotions entirely different from those which may be provided by a CRT.
not think I can describe in words the feeling of pride, dignity, but also kindness and friendliness that the girls are able to pass such dance companies as listed. They do not have the slightest look of the girls looking for spotlight easy, nor attitudes character, nor the emptiness squittente transmitted from their television colleagues. This on the job, then in private will "icchèvogliono," as my boss and now I clearly think a comparison between "artists" and "tissue", "friends" or something.
It's neither relevant nor serious. Moreover
I worked for a year in the same theater choreographer Garrison, the Belsito of Rome and the American is someone who knows to do his job, the problem in those contexts is not sure who teaches dance, is the ' use and the spirit with which they approach the boys to the dance that is completely different.
I only say that killing the theater kills that possibility for us, for our bodies and our spirit to enjoy a live show in which with the aid of dance and some light, something that we are given a our body but feels unable to express, and these companies do it for us.
And at the end of these shows we feel good that has not been a dance for its own sake and that something has left us.
E 'was only a matter of letting him enter.
(still Aterballetto)
Tomorrow I will not go to any event.
The reason is very down to earth: they are working. 8 / 13 and 17/24 if it works well otherwise.
So I'll be content to enjoy the acrobatics of this company which will be on stage tomorrow night for the note:
There are dance companies before which even the layman like myself can not do nothing but take the hat (actually a helmet having regard to the safety rules) and moved to thank the entertainment offered.
I had, among others, will see twice the company Kataklò,
and three times Momix Moses Pendleton,
that are completely different in the message, but it gives the same feeling alienating the immensity of the variables that the human body can be expressed to convey Beauty.
In these shows the lights have a role certainly evocative and essential complement but can never remove the primary focus towards the human body and the evolution of these wonders of nature that perfectly sum up dance, gymnastics and expressive body art. Often we find ourselves from the wings
dancers that come out of their context and stationed in the fifth while they wait to go back: We watch them as they recharge for two minutes, panting, sweating, property with an eye fixed on the scene occupied by others and seems to see the albatross personified as Baudelaire described it.
(this one I made during the show dell'Aterballetto of Reggio Emilia and other "monsters" can not miss if you are in your area)
And then you see these guys out again and start literally trajectories to fly and to do that is difficult to follow even in thought. Only after a bit inside, you feel it too the movement is in sync with the bulk of who is dancing and hear what may communicate who is dancing.
Before and after the show these guys you meet them at the bar of the theater or dressing rooms and have their faces reality by Endemol.
have clean faces and marked by so much hard work, by hours of grueling tests, training, study of the choreography. Also marked by the joy of dancing and a beautiful sight to help with emotions entirely different from those which may be provided by a CRT.
not think I can describe in words the feeling of pride, dignity, but also kindness and friendliness that the girls are able to pass such dance companies as listed. They do not have the slightest look of the girls looking for spotlight easy, nor attitudes character, nor the emptiness squittente transmitted from their television colleagues. This on the job, then in private will "icchèvogliono," as my boss and now I clearly think a comparison between "artists" and "tissue", "friends" or something.
It's neither relevant nor serious. Moreover
I worked for a year in the same theater choreographer Garrison, the Belsito of Rome and the American is someone who knows to do his job, the problem in those contexts is not sure who teaches dance, is the ' use and the spirit with which they approach the boys to the dance that is completely different.
I only say that killing the theater kills that possibility for us, for our bodies and our spirit to enjoy a live show in which with the aid of dance and some light, something that we are given a our body but feels unable to express, and these companies do it for us.
And at the end of these shows we feel good that has not been a dance for its own sake and that something has left us.
E 'was only a matter of letting him enter.
(still Aterballetto)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Replace Shower Door Magnet
Otherwise you can believe in coincidences.
Or Santa Claus.
or large Chtuhlu.
only he was missing.
Now we can also turn on the coffeepot.
Otherwise you can believe in coincidences.
Or Santa Claus.
or large Chtuhlu.
only he was missing.
Now we can also turn on the coffeepot.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Get Free Motorola Phone Tools 4.2.1a
Students after the now famous event of 14 December, did not consider it appropriate to express themselves taken away from "the violent mob that put Rome in iron & fire etc. . etc. "putting the face with a boy in front of La Russa (and Casini and Di Pietro) during an episode of" Year Zero "doing it quietly go out of the jug.
(no, the movie without it because they see a continuation of this government to do certain scenes is just sad)
The Purple People
after four gollettoni with the cops found it necessary not only to distance and dissociate themselves from "violent troublemakers etc, etc" but sided with the police complaints and hope, and maybe even arrested.
I have only one doubt:
Banner "PURPLE PEOPLE OF SHAME" as I do, canvas or cloth?
(pictured, better than the people that the people of Viola viola)
Students after the now famous event of 14 December, did not consider it appropriate to express themselves taken away from "the violent mob that put Rome in iron & fire etc. . etc. "putting the face with a boy in front of La Russa (and Casini and Di Pietro) during an episode of" Year Zero "doing it quietly go out of the jug.
(no, the movie without it because they see a continuation of this government to do certain scenes is just sad)
The Purple People
after four gollettoni with the cops found it necessary not only to distance and dissociate themselves from "violent troublemakers etc, etc" but sided with the police complaints and hope, and maybe even arrested.
I have only one doubt:
Banner "PURPLE PEOPLE OF SHAME" as I do, canvas or cloth?
(pictured, better than the people that the people of Viola viola)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How To Make A Rope Ladder Without Wood
wielded words as if they were juggling tools, his caricatures and his characters have come down to us through a real big crowd of artists who are the borrowers and could make appropriate tribute by showing only a great talent.
Petrolini was echoed by the likes of Alberto Sordi, Alvaro Vitali (performer of a remarkable "Giggi the bully"), you just disappeared Mario Scaccia, Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Enrico Montesano, Gigi Proietti, but was Petrolini Petrolini incomparable inventor of faces, faces, expressions and looks as harmless jokes to hide a not so veiled "savage satire" absolutely unknown to the authors of today, since the satirical theater still exists (in the program of the theater where I work for this year do not n 'is track records are welcome).
The most famous joke for which he is remembered however, is that such a stage that evening after receiving an honors from the Duce: "This medal has given me the Duce and I do not care."
And it's a joke that only Petrolini could afford.
In every sense.
If anyone still had no way to verify the size you look well these two masterpieces, two characters who are still light years ahead of current satirical representation of reality, which is not watertight and languishes because the targets (eg political ) but simply because they exceeded the dryness creativity that permeates this country in full decline has made a clean sweep of the key component called talent. There remains
some valid and intelligent artist, see Antonio Albanian, but little else in fact almost anything.
I'm just saying that to play this season the only name I was excited just because you can work is that of Paul Poli, an Italian theater of the few true geniuses that we can still admire.
And then to remind us of what we were able to top on the boards of a stage, look at these two masterpieces:
wielded words as if they were juggling tools, his caricatures and his characters have come down to us through a real big crowd of artists who are the borrowers and could make appropriate tribute by showing only a great talent.
Petrolini was echoed by the likes of Alberto Sordi, Alvaro Vitali (performer of a remarkable "Giggi the bully"), you just disappeared Mario Scaccia, Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Enrico Montesano, Gigi Proietti, but was Petrolini Petrolini incomparable inventor of faces, faces, expressions and looks as harmless jokes to hide a not so veiled "savage satire" absolutely unknown to the authors of today, since the satirical theater still exists (in the program of the theater where I work for this year do not n 'is track records are welcome).
The most famous joke for which he is remembered however, is that such a stage that evening after receiving an honors from the Duce: "This medal has given me the Duce and I do not care."
And it's a joke that only Petrolini could afford.
In every sense.
If anyone still had no way to verify the size you look well these two masterpieces, two characters who are still light years ahead of current satirical representation of reality, which is not watertight and languishes because the targets (eg political ) but simply because they exceeded the dryness creativity that permeates this country in full decline has made a clean sweep of the key component called talent. There remains
some valid and intelligent artist, see Antonio Albanian, but little else in fact almost anything.
I'm just saying that to play this season the only name I was excited just because you can work is that of Paul Poli, an Italian theater of the few true geniuses that we can still admire.
And then to remind us of what we were able to top on the boards of a stage, look at these two masterpieces:
Friday, February 4, 2011
What Do Inter Dealer Brokers Do?
They are the ones who shoot like crazy when someone pitbull points out that the case would remove the crucifixes from classrooms.
They are the ones who fight for save the "Christian values" in the West.
They are able to take food to a child of 4 years
They are the ones who have broken with Rome thief and his balls were going to dismiss a federal reform that would further scamazzato taxes.
They are those who say a sharp increase among workers.
I make people laugh who do garrisons against the headquarters of Forza Nuova and then leave this shit move with impunity.
If I need to republish the movie one of the last events in which I participated, many times someone has providentially caught by a spirit of emulation:
(ed so then the little burr democracy protesters in the following days, but meanwhile two years later when he tried to return Borghezio was stopped by Questor).
They are the ones who shoot like crazy when someone pitbull points out that the case would remove the crucifixes from classrooms.
They are the ones who fight for save the "Christian values" in the West.
They are able to take food to a child of 4 years
They are the ones who have broken with Rome thief and his balls were going to dismiss a federal reform that would further scamazzato taxes.
They are those who say a sharp increase among workers.
I make people laugh who do garrisons against the headquarters of Forza Nuova and then leave this shit move with impunity.
If I need to republish the movie one of the last events in which I participated, many times someone has providentially caught by a spirit of emulation:
(ed so then the little burr democracy protesters in the following days, but meanwhile two years later when he tried to return Borghezio was stopped by Questor).
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Metal Garment Rack With Bottom Basket
The secular component of the CSM League Brigandì screams to have suffered a "body search" gave himself that he would go to the wives of the "Journal" the sgub Bocassini of effusions of a leftist journalist.
It 's amazing how berluscones take the ball every time there is playacting on what to do until the day before, in the case related to a ordinary citizen, we would go to a standing ovation. We had tried
journalist Anna Maria Greek, that the pen has moved on "Journal" the case, unless the same day, interviewed on the radio (Radio 24) admitted that the military police who carried out the raid were "kind and measured. "
Just to point out that the concept of dignity in those parts may have been aboard a spaceship and made some lost in the solar system light years away.
who can not get to whine about things that normally happen to any citizen suspected of also having a barrel of plasticone is Joy, the Nigerian girl who had reported to have been raped in the CIE (ie in the camp of state, as providentially calls him who also has a clue what it is), which has seen the person to carry out her complaint, the police inspector Victor Addesso against Nigerian girl who now can hope to get justice only managing to get in touch with some master voodoo.
"There was 'Vorta na' na
band of thugs that give the building overlooking
said we semo
us and you a fucking nun sète"
And to think that the much-vaunted goal of a constitution would take too well.
(photo: c'abbiamo why do not you think of that before dropping a government with the only power of the mind, shit!)
The secular component of the CSM League Brigandì screams to have suffered a "body search" gave himself that he would go to the wives of the "Journal" the sgub Bocassini of effusions of a leftist journalist.
It 's amazing how berluscones take the ball every time there is playacting on what to do until the day before, in the case related to a ordinary citizen, we would go to a standing ovation. We had tried
journalist Anna Maria Greek, that the pen has moved on "Journal" the case, unless the same day, interviewed on the radio (Radio 24) admitted that the military police who carried out the raid were "kind and measured. "
Just to point out that the concept of dignity in those parts may have been aboard a spaceship and made some lost in the solar system light years away.
who can not get to whine about things that normally happen to any citizen suspected of also having a barrel of plasticone is Joy, the Nigerian girl who had reported to have been raped in the CIE (ie in the camp of state, as providentially calls him who also has a clue what it is), which has seen the person to carry out her complaint, the police inspector Victor Addesso against Nigerian girl who now can hope to get justice only managing to get in touch with some master voodoo.
"There was 'Vorta na' na
band of thugs that give the building overlooking
said we semo
us and you a fucking nun sète"
And to think that the much-vaunted goal of a constitution would take too well.
(photo: c'abbiamo why do not you think of that before dropping a government with the only power of the mind, shit!)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Almost Like Poptropica
E 'massacre.
I'm following on Twitter with the now famous # Jan25 feed what is happening in Egypt.
E 'already loaded some video on youtube, one is below.
From the evidence of who had what appeared to Tahir Square pro-Mubarak protesters have turned out the police regime mixed with prisoners who were pulled out from the prisons, armed, paid and sent to slaughter the crowd.
Some protesters were dressed as police stopped and recognized, he was taken off the card to prove who had actually
the Egyptian Museum, was attacked and - it seems - is burning.
The police and secret police have taken Mubarak citizens who guarded the streets to protect the protesters and loaded them on vans.
Police also removed from gasoline vehicles and attacked protesters closed in Tahir Square with Molotov cocktails.
In other cities, protesters were attacked with horses and camels.
You shoot and you die, the wounded in less than two hours, more than 500, not counting the dead for now.
By nightfall the lights were turned off Tahrir Square and the people are stuck in square controlled by police loyal to the regime.
no trace of the army. It is feared
a bloodbath.
Mubarak not only is killing his people, Egypt is killing.
Mubarak from the funny little man who claimed we were to Arcore lesson in democracy.
Mubarak, as Frattini said, "you can not overthrow by force a democratic government."
Now there we made the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect or do you use the doodles?
E 'massacre.
I'm following on Twitter with the now famous # Jan25 feed what is happening in Egypt.
E 'already loaded some video on youtube, one is below.
From the evidence of who had what appeared to Tahir Square pro-Mubarak protesters have turned out the police regime mixed with prisoners who were pulled out from the prisons, armed, paid and sent to slaughter the crowd.
Some protesters were dressed as police stopped and recognized, he was taken off the card to prove who had actually
the Egyptian Museum, was attacked and - it seems - is burning.
The police and secret police have taken Mubarak citizens who guarded the streets to protect the protesters and loaded them on vans.
Police also removed from gasoline vehicles and attacked protesters closed in Tahir Square with Molotov cocktails.
In other cities, protesters were attacked with horses and camels.
You shoot and you die, the wounded in less than two hours, more than 500, not counting the dead for now.
By nightfall the lights were turned off Tahrir Square and the people are stuck in square controlled by police loyal to the regime.
no trace of the army. It is feared
a bloodbath.
Mubarak not only is killing his people, Egypt is killing.
Mubarak from the funny little man who claimed we were to Arcore lesson in democracy.
Mubarak, as Frattini said, "you can not overthrow by force a democratic government."
Now there we made the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect or do you use the doodles?
Pokemon Platinum Resistance
In short even the little Naomi had its reward. But look a little bit.
Bonfici to many zeros sent directly to the madam, sorry, Mom.
Two women. And, of course, the problem is the old satyr kativo.
Too bad the old satyr kativo the problem is already Decree Craxi and that on that occasion when some small group of hotheads in the decree had already seen the horror that would follow the political institutions, including opposition, needed was claiming with TSO mandatory deportation for unholy opponents of SS. Free Market and revered.
Craxi and the decree is the stuff of October 20, 1984.
Something like 26 years 3 months and a few days ago.
After 26 years, 3 months and 4 days the Italians are arranged by their par compared to the advent of a funny thing that strong intertwining with the worst of the worst scum of the available territory National hath been gradually strengthened and should be pasted where institutional leaders acting on behalf of the Italian people.
And if he is stronger for a reason.
As there is also a reason why in other European countries a similar shape has not caught on, indeed, which has the proven when the door was accompanied by the ears and sent back whence he had come with a simple kick in the ass (France and Spain, for example, where they will have many flaws but still know how to recognize an entrepreneur from a rogue mafiosetto).
The Italians did not like that are puzzling about how to get rid of him but what seemed to be adequate so far has run satori always proved a dismal failure, and this for one simple reason.
The Italian will probably have to distort itself and its history to overcome the concept of tribal communities who brought along for centuries. For tribal
mean the inability of Italian to be able to go beyond an argument that does not reflect only the 2:00 to 3:00 the basic needs of his tribe, looking to the rest of the world with the exclusive use of blinders that these needs are and then has had a good game the rise of a tribal leader who has used his slogans able to take root in those who, with the same metric reasoning of those who live in a village of mud huts perched on a hill, we have seen the rich get stranger with a bag of colored beads.
And this is not just about those funny little man with the message of Arcore hooked like a Crògnolo but (and especially) those who have acknowledged the deception that the funny little man carried with him.
The point at which we arrived, however, is a point of no return.
Because it is true that the rules introduced by the mentors of the funny little man Arcore contains in itself the worst of the DNA Italiot and made its flag, but at this point is to decide how to reverse course and start a war to final not so much Berlusconi and his troop of servants losers, but that system of thought that forms the land on which the butcher social act has been able to grow and get to the point where we are.
And nothing would indicate that there is an end soon, or not Berlusconi.
I used the term "war" because in my humble opinion, we are no longer in a position to miss the forest because the trees and concentrate all efforts on the mausoleum of Arcore can be profitable in only one case: go down million in road, pick it up and drive him from Palazzo Grazioli, Montecitorio, Costa Smeralda, in short from Antigua where you like, close the seagull he and his servants and throw away the key.
Then Obama is also a treat.
But of those who voted and continue to vote for him, those who truly believe that there is judicial persecution in place, those who only have to see how rich our premier trumpet as our Prime Minister, how much luxury and pheega turns our Prime Minister, what is good at do business with Putin, Qaddafi and clean-cut like little people, those who do?
Since the Maoist re-education camps here can not be done just for the fact that it would take to contain only half the boot, we need to go in the meantime and see what the problem, and that of pheega is a problem.
A big problem.
begin by saying that Italians are repressed and the chorus of approval of the performances of the head berluscones it is a clear proof.
I also like the pheega But not everything I do 'I'm casino.
I need to go around with a megaphone to shout about in case anyone had not understood.
Let's face it once and for all and beviamoci above.
It could not be otherwise after several centuries in which the stability of the whole of the Law trombanti not in public (while no one in their private, from 5 to 500 years, man or woman was safe).
And then we should decide once and for all those starting a coalition of Catholic double standards in the course of his human, spiritual, family, work and overall, he knows he can do without.
Indeed, the Church knows that by denying any authority and any authority, she can earn.
But no.
The official opposition, indeed, can not break away from the skirts of the Holy Mother Church, from his lies, his foul connivance made a realpolitik capable of supporting the most vile abominations except scream to the crime of treason when it is recalled that the message which should lead to anything but talk.
And chase the skirts of the Church has sent literally to hell 40 years of heritage of struggle and achievements of the post-war left had failed to conquer.
I was wondering what the hell to post in the most left-wing parties serve 6 or 5 out of which the alleged constitutional arc. Well, if we want to give a definition of the concept of tribal society would say that this is an example that more point. And
substrate on which the "qulturale" in the Berlusconi feed grows more luxuriant than ever.
If we want to add up to this tribal concept of leadership, cazzonaggine, congenital stupidity, arrogance and taking away from what is the feeling that reigns in the streets and on the job here is the dish served.
And then the war should start doing it door to door.
Recognize the symbols of power and identify them, give them a name, one by one.
pheega And as that shown by Minetti, from Santanché from Gelmini & Carfagna, Letizia families, here, this is a problem.
Just as the League of workers who vote.
I'll beat your ass if this is an aspect and not the global issue of sexism.
E 'but one of its most formidable fertilizers.
The use of the body, the violation of intimacy granted only for power, the desire to appear, the order to fatten the bank account of himself and of his own tribe.
This mindset, which has not discovered some of the funny little man in Arcore, you build empires.
And there are women who choose to respond to this design.
subvert this order is possible only with a shared action of men and women who do not accept this logic.
But to think that there is an entire category of innocent people, the problem is only and only the structure of the system when it is already seated on the throne monolithically with millions of devotees and devotees ready to defend at any cost, well this is the best way to take a hatchet in the balls.
Apparently admit this thing hurts. Sin is not only to discover that the male is solely responsible for centuries of exploitation, oppression and violence.
Too bad, eh. But
to 'I will however not be time to pack it with mica tribal claims?
And it is time instead to initiate claims based shared values \u200b\u200band begin to wake up to attack very specific targets of zero, one by one, with no savings and no rebates? Here
the innocent do not exist, a few cocks.
We are in a patriarchal system, oligarchic, authoritarian, sexist, and mystifying.
But we have the means to understand.
Books, newspapers, internet, Cronaca Vera and lots of other stuff that up to 20 years ago could only dream of.
There are no more excuses.
What is to be disrupted this approach - I repeat - purely tribal conception of the aggregate of individuals here in Italy seems to have become our trademark and our damnation.
It would be the case if all, individually, we begin to understand what is che non va dentro di noi, dove è che smettiamo di essere comunità e restiamo attaccati alla nostra tribù.
Pensate a cosa provereste se nella lotta contro questa deriva apparentemente inarrestabile, invece di ritrovarci sempre coi soliti con i quali ce la cantiamo e ce la suoniamo con le bandierine tutte uguali ci ritrovassimo con semplici individui a cui non serve e non è necessario chiedere razza, religione, orientamento sessuale, genere, mod. 740 e CV ma che hanno semplicemente ucciso l'italiota da tribù dentro di sè..
Fino a quel momento buon Berlusconi e buona Santanchè a tutti.
(nella foto: il Ragionier Costanzo & famiglia)
In short even the little Naomi had its reward. But look a little bit.
Bonfici to many zeros sent directly to the madam, sorry, Mom.
Two women. And, of course, the problem is the old satyr kativo.
Too bad the old satyr kativo the problem is already Decree Craxi and that on that occasion when some small group of hotheads in the decree had already seen the horror that would follow the political institutions, including opposition, needed was claiming with TSO mandatory deportation for unholy opponents of SS. Free Market and revered.
Craxi and the decree is the stuff of October 20, 1984.
Something like 26 years 3 months and a few days ago.
After 26 years, 3 months and 4 days the Italians are arranged by their par compared to the advent of a funny thing that strong intertwining with the worst of the worst scum of the available territory National hath been gradually strengthened and should be pasted where institutional leaders acting on behalf of the Italian people.
And if he is stronger for a reason.
As there is also a reason why in other European countries a similar shape has not caught on, indeed, which has the proven when the door was accompanied by the ears and sent back whence he had come with a simple kick in the ass (France and Spain, for example, where they will have many flaws but still know how to recognize an entrepreneur from a rogue mafiosetto).
The Italians did not like that are puzzling about how to get rid of him but what seemed to be adequate so far has run satori always proved a dismal failure, and this for one simple reason.
The Italian will probably have to distort itself and its history to overcome the concept of tribal communities who brought along for centuries. For tribal
mean the inability of Italian to be able to go beyond an argument that does not reflect only the 2:00 to 3:00 the basic needs of his tribe, looking to the rest of the world with the exclusive use of blinders that these needs are and then has had a good game the rise of a tribal leader who has used his slogans able to take root in those who, with the same metric reasoning of those who live in a village of mud huts perched on a hill, we have seen the rich get stranger with a bag of colored beads.
And this is not just about those funny little man with the message of Arcore hooked like a Crògnolo but (and especially) those who have acknowledged the deception that the funny little man carried with him.
The point at which we arrived, however, is a point of no return.
Because it is true that the rules introduced by the mentors of the funny little man Arcore contains in itself the worst of the DNA Italiot and made its flag, but at this point is to decide how to reverse course and start a war to final not so much Berlusconi and his troop of servants losers, but that system of thought that forms the land on which the butcher social act has been able to grow and get to the point where we are.
And nothing would indicate that there is an end soon, or not Berlusconi.
I used the term "war" because in my humble opinion, we are no longer in a position to miss the forest because the trees and concentrate all efforts on the mausoleum of Arcore can be profitable in only one case: go down million in road, pick it up and drive him from Palazzo Grazioli, Montecitorio, Costa Smeralda, in short from Antigua where you like, close the seagull he and his servants and throw away the key.
Then Obama is also a treat.
But of those who voted and continue to vote for him, those who truly believe that there is judicial persecution in place, those who only have to see how rich our premier trumpet as our Prime Minister, how much luxury and pheega turns our Prime Minister, what is good at do business with Putin, Qaddafi and clean-cut like little people, those who do?
Since the Maoist re-education camps here can not be done just for the fact that it would take to contain only half the boot, we need to go in the meantime and see what the problem, and that of pheega is a problem.
A big problem.
begin by saying that Italians are repressed and the chorus of approval of the performances of the head berluscones it is a clear proof.
I also like the pheega But not everything I do 'I'm casino.
I need to go around with a megaphone to shout about in case anyone had not understood.
Let's face it once and for all and beviamoci above.
It could not be otherwise after several centuries in which the stability of the whole of the Law trombanti not in public (while no one in their private, from 5 to 500 years, man or woman was safe).
And then we should decide once and for all those starting a coalition of Catholic double standards in the course of his human, spiritual, family, work and overall, he knows he can do without.
Indeed, the Church knows that by denying any authority and any authority, she can earn.
But no.
The official opposition, indeed, can not break away from the skirts of the Holy Mother Church, from his lies, his foul connivance made a realpolitik capable of supporting the most vile abominations except scream to the crime of treason when it is recalled that the message which should lead to anything but talk.
And chase the skirts of the Church has sent literally to hell 40 years of heritage of struggle and achievements of the post-war left had failed to conquer.
I was wondering what the hell to post in the most left-wing parties serve 6 or 5 out of which the alleged constitutional arc. Well, if we want to give a definition of the concept of tribal society would say that this is an example that more point. And
substrate on which the "qulturale" in the Berlusconi feed grows more luxuriant than ever.
If we want to add up to this tribal concept of leadership, cazzonaggine, congenital stupidity, arrogance and taking away from what is the feeling that reigns in the streets and on the job here is the dish served.
And then the war should start doing it door to door.
Recognize the symbols of power and identify them, give them a name, one by one.
pheega And as that shown by Minetti, from Santanché from Gelmini & Carfagna, Letizia families, here, this is a problem.
Just as the League of workers who vote.
I'll beat your ass if this is an aspect and not the global issue of sexism.
E 'but one of its most formidable fertilizers.
The use of the body, the violation of intimacy granted only for power, the desire to appear, the order to fatten the bank account of himself and of his own tribe.
This mindset, which has not discovered some of the funny little man in Arcore, you build empires.
And there are women who choose to respond to this design.
subvert this order is possible only with a shared action of men and women who do not accept this logic.
But to think that there is an entire category of innocent people, the problem is only and only the structure of the system when it is already seated on the throne monolithically with millions of devotees and devotees ready to defend at any cost, well this is the best way to take a hatchet in the balls.
Apparently admit this thing hurts. Sin is not only to discover that the male is solely responsible for centuries of exploitation, oppression and violence.
Too bad, eh. But
to 'I will however not be time to pack it with mica tribal claims?
And it is time instead to initiate claims based shared values \u200b\u200band begin to wake up to attack very specific targets of zero, one by one, with no savings and no rebates? Here
the innocent do not exist, a few cocks.
We are in a patriarchal system, oligarchic, authoritarian, sexist, and mystifying.
But we have the means to understand.
Books, newspapers, internet, Cronaca Vera and lots of other stuff that up to 20 years ago could only dream of.
There are no more excuses.
What is to be disrupted this approach - I repeat - purely tribal conception of the aggregate of individuals here in Italy seems to have become our trademark and our damnation.
It would be the case if all, individually, we begin to understand what is che non va dentro di noi, dove è che smettiamo di essere comunità e restiamo attaccati alla nostra tribù.
Pensate a cosa provereste se nella lotta contro questa deriva apparentemente inarrestabile, invece di ritrovarci sempre coi soliti con i quali ce la cantiamo e ce la suoniamo con le bandierine tutte uguali ci ritrovassimo con semplici individui a cui non serve e non è necessario chiedere razza, religione, orientamento sessuale, genere, mod. 740 e CV ma che hanno semplicemente ucciso l'italiota da tribù dentro di sè..
Fino a quel momento buon Berlusconi e buona Santanchè a tutti.
(nella foto: il Ragionier Costanzo & famiglia)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How To Write Sympathy Card For Aunty
The last time I voted I think it was a cross on the symbol of proletarian democracy, I was very young and I was convinced that hut would have led directly to 69 by '68, as we see when we get to 48 (please Who plays these three numbers and won to pay at least a 10% to me).
Now, it may happen that there are new elections.
I say, it can happen but maybe not.
And if it does not happen is because maybe there is an opposition determined to disrupt the lives of Italians finally a model that we are doing to become the laughingstock of the world? Come
Today Pisan altar boy and nephew of the Dioscuri Funny Omino di Arcore Gianni Letta, cioè Enrico, ci propina l'ennesimo piano strategico del maggior (sob) partito di opposizione.
Governo con Maroni premier ma anche Tremonti.
Ora, alle uscite a membro di Dogo argentino della classe dirigente piddina ci siamo abituati, appena un esponente PD dice qualcosa che abbia senso per l'elettorato che vorrebbero rappresentare l'asse terrestre registra dei piccoli spostamenti e sul mare di fronte al moletto del Sonnino appaiono branzini da 6 chili, il punto è un altro.
Parlo all'elettore medio PD.
Quello che ogni tre parole ci infila i termini "progetto" e "territorio".
Quant'era alto il seggiolone dal quale siete caduti da small?
No, sorry. Too aggressive.
Put it this way: as you would be willing to support such a government can know what will grace your kind words about temporary employment, jobs, ethical issues, civil rights and other 7,977 items on which you were able to say and not say anything and the opposite of everything?
And how do you present to the citizens with an IQ higher than that of a barbecue to be turned off by explaining the alternative to Berlusconi?
How will you explain to people why D'Alema got up one morning and gives us the perfect recipe and the next morning and said Bersani but you have to put ten million signatures on the statements, because the vote does not have the head, then there Veltroni waving her hands and wants to go to the streets because he lost two elections better than anyone (I have to say that there is genius in the man) and now comes the most disturbing Pisa the time of Barban (former player of Pisa who scored the winning goal last victory of the peasants in Livorno) to choose the candidate for prime minister even that does not take away from the performance by private back room of the butcher of the Prime Minister but from a slaughterhouse economic that is affecting social and salt in the heart of the whole nation.
Well, what I would like to know is how do you dodge the brick that will be delivered right to you in response?
(In the picture: Molotov, nominated as President of the Board in a broad coalition government by Fassino, until he annucia sad to "Reform": "They tell me that is not good."
The last time I voted I think it was a cross on the symbol of proletarian democracy, I was very young and I was convinced that hut would have led directly to 69 by '68, as we see when we get to 48 (please Who plays these three numbers and won to pay at least a 10% to me).
Now, it may happen that there are new elections.
I say, it can happen but maybe not.
And if it does not happen is because maybe there is an opposition determined to disrupt the lives of Italians finally a model that we are doing to become the laughingstock of the world? Come
Today Pisan altar boy and nephew of the Dioscuri Funny Omino di Arcore Gianni Letta, cioè Enrico, ci propina l'ennesimo piano strategico del maggior (sob) partito di opposizione.
Governo con Maroni premier ma anche Tremonti.
Ora, alle uscite a membro di Dogo argentino della classe dirigente piddina ci siamo abituati, appena un esponente PD dice qualcosa che abbia senso per l'elettorato che vorrebbero rappresentare l'asse terrestre registra dei piccoli spostamenti e sul mare di fronte al moletto del Sonnino appaiono branzini da 6 chili, il punto è un altro.
Parlo all'elettore medio PD.
Quello che ogni tre parole ci infila i termini "progetto" e "territorio".
Quant'era alto il seggiolone dal quale siete caduti da small?
No, sorry. Too aggressive.
Put it this way: as you would be willing to support such a government can know what will grace your kind words about temporary employment, jobs, ethical issues, civil rights and other 7,977 items on which you were able to say and not say anything and the opposite of everything?
And how do you present to the citizens with an IQ higher than that of a barbecue to be turned off by explaining the alternative to Berlusconi?
How will you explain to people why D'Alema got up one morning and gives us the perfect recipe and the next morning and said Bersani but you have to put ten million signatures on the statements, because the vote does not have the head, then there Veltroni waving her hands and wants to go to the streets because he lost two elections better than anyone (I have to say that there is genius in the man) and now comes the most disturbing Pisa the time of Barban (former player of Pisa who scored the winning goal last victory of the peasants in Livorno) to choose the candidate for prime minister even that does not take away from the performance by private back room of the butcher of the Prime Minister but from a slaughterhouse economic that is affecting social and salt in the heart of the whole nation.
Well, what I would like to know is how do you dodge the brick that will be delivered right to you in response?
(In the picture: Molotov, nominated as President of the Board in a broad coalition government by Fassino, until he annucia sad to "Reform": "They tell me that is not good."
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