patios are critical to national Donadoni after the defeat last Monday. We've been hearing so much, all, to tell the truth, not constructive.
Most people considered the blue CT primarily responsible for the defeat. In particular: it had to play Del Piero, Grosso and De Rossi. Ambrosini shot in the legs, and internal Materazzi.
In my opinion, these are criticisms that do not take into account the facts. Not investigate the causes of effects. So, what we have to defeat on Monday?
First, Appointment consequentia sunt rerum!
They said the Latins (or Manzoni?), And then it's true!
names are the consequences of things!
So, if our CT-called Dona gifts, you can claim that our defense does not make gifts to the opponent? This, you see, is a constructive criticism, not those who are journalists!
Another criticism really constructive: the problem, that true, not that he had to play this or that player!
The fact is that, as long as you continue to deploy Salvatore Bagni to the commentary, it is not going anywhere! It 's like the '98 World sided instead of Baggio Del Piero!
And who deploy instead of baths? A new relay, this time to the commentary?
any other person. Put whoever you want, but remove Bathrooms!
And I wanted to laugh the other night. The Dutch, who "played", and he said they were old, tired, who would not right ... Who does not run, who had very strong players, and many many other bullshit. What to hear it, I wondered if he stood facendo vedere un'altra partita!
E meno male che quelli non si reggevano in piedi (secondo Bagni), sennò, invece di 3 a 0, quanto avremmo perso, 7 a 0?
Insomma, serve poco sbattere Ambrosini e Materazzi in panchina nella prossima partita. Finchè ci si ostina a schierare Bagni alla radiocronaca non si va da nessuna parte!
Cari lettori, una piccola aggiunta in questo post: finalmente è apparso su You Tube il filmato con la telecronaca di Salvatore Bagni, nella partita Olanda-Italia. Riascoltiamo insieme le più salienti perle di saggezza del cronista... Che rincoglionito!!!
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