European Championship Final at the door. We dedicate today's post on Oliver Neuville, number 10 of the German national team.

Well, the choice is not random: Oliver Neuville, I knew him in person, as children we played ball together.
Oliver was born in Switzerland. In Locarno. And this is what I knew about him so much that I called "svizzerino" because Swiss and petite stature.
His father is German, Italian and her mother, of Philadelphia, a small town in Calabria, Vibo Valencia (a few people, but 4 towers). And it's right there in Philadelphia, that I met twenty years ago. In one of the many afternoons and dull all the same, in like to cut your veins, there is only one alternative: to go to giocara soccer ball to camp. And to me, that I was younger, I did only play if there was Oliver, because he was the only one who took me into the team. And then. Then they are lost to me. The summer of 1992 was the last time I saw him. Perhaps even more went there to play the field, I had other things on my mind. And Oliver?
gone forever?
Not really. Summer 2002: Brazil-Germany World Cup final. Call home my uncle telling me to cheer Germany because of its ranks was one of my old friend ...
Who could it be?
Oliver Neuville!
The surname "Neuville" I had heard spesso nel corso degli anni. Sapevo che c'era un calciatore tedesco, un attaccante, che giocava nel Bayern Leverkusen, e che si chiamava Neuville. Ma non avrei mai immaginato che quel Neuville, fosse Oliver, lo "svizzerino".
E' che da ragazzino gli amici li chiami per nome, spesso nemmeno sai come fanno di cognome.
E' bastata un'inquadratura durante gli inni nazionali per riconoscerlo. Era lui.
E da allora, seguo il mio ex compagno di squadra in TV, ogni volta che gioca la Germania. Insomma, sembra la storia del "bandito e il campione".
Questi i motivi per cui domani, io tiferò per la Germania. Caro allenatore tedesco, mi raccomando, non fare scherzi. Hai tenuto Oliver in panchina the entire European play absolutely must do it tomorrow.
Here is a video taken from YouTube in which are some goals of the career of Oliver Neuville.
Forces Germany, under Oliver Neuville
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