ends here! Italy comes from being a bad one against Spain, without ever having seen the ball (they were 80 years that Italy did not lose against Spain ... this will go down in history that is)! The disappointment of the fans
blue is cut into slices: stuff that we can prepare sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Lots of sandwiches, of course!
Most were disappointed, however, the presenters of a program on 7 Gold, a broadcaster, I think, only regional, who had the courage to "pick up" Biscardi, after they had driven "ether" as a result of Calciopoli (Moggiopoli or, if you prefer).
And so, as the night is still too young to fall in the arms of Morpheus, I was watching TV to listening to "Biscardi & CO".
Among the "CO", there was also Capezzone, as is known, does not understand a shit about politics! I was listening to him in these clothes "football" and I can say without prejudice of any kind, that does not understand Capezzone not even a fucking football!
But the news are these: Italy does not go through? Spain played better, this is right! Capezzone not understand a fuck? That was also desirable!
The news is that today I met my cousin thirties, who told me that she would make the entire Dutch national football team. I tell you, dear readers, that indeed, the Dutch national team there's some blond who deserves ...
But my cousin did not refer to the current Dutch national team, but that a few years ago. In particular, his favorite is .... Edgar Davids !?!?!
Edgar Davids looks like a monkey ....
And my cousin would do if ...

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