There are events that are celebrated (if possible, without delay, not as I do!) Well, this blog, last May 3 took a year! Not bad for the face skeleton is smoking a cigar.
time budgets? So, beyond the programmatic content (and rather "warlike") of that first post (I'll bet none of you read!), The main purpose of this blog was to create a communication channel with some of my friends (those of real life) that are far away from Rome (someone is in Naples, one in Milan, one power, one in Belgium, Switzerland and a world traveler who is in China ...? Bho do not know, but yesterday I received a postcard from his 'Argentina! Um, is always around !)...
Over the years (over twenty), with these characters, "diverse" we tried all possible means of communication to bridge the gaps: the first few letters and rare phone call, then e-mail, msn lately. Coincidentally, I discovered the blog. So I tried to give to them my new passion, and take advantage of an additional communication tool. The results are not really satisfactory. Two of my friends "Far away", on my trail have also created a blog. One, the blog "Crazy World" (by Lucio, the "sewer" of the group) has been created and there is dead, because it has not ever written a post. The other " The Temple of the Phoenix", contains the post yes ... but the author (my friend Daniel), the aim of spreading the Buddhist practice, did not consider it important to allow readers to comment (a blog without comments, and what stuff is ?!?!).
the end the conclusion is this: I was the Jack Skeleton of the situation, what had made up his mind to bring the celebration of Christmas in the City of Halloween ... And
paradox is complete! In fact, none of my friends are "distant" reads this blog, my intention had been created just for them! And so we continue to move forward with e-mail, msn, sometimes travel ... but do not start blogging!
the end, I am convinced of this: the blogger-mania do not export! You have to discover yourself, and you must make your own! Point. However
beyond the failure of the primary objective, there is a success! Through this blog I could "come into contact" with many people, both far and near. Contacts that sometimes are not limited to the network, but continued in real life.
And all of you who want to express our sincere gratitude Leisure facilities that decide to "waste" to read my post, for all the comments posted to the SMS sent talvota on my cell. But above all the continuing calls that I turn to participation in meetings blogger! We can say it: the network does not perceive it as a protection for those who feel insecure, but as a way to boost their chances of communication and socialization.
So, it would be nice to know and meet everyone! Who knows, maybe slowly!
Greetings to all e. .. stay tuned!
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