Monday, April 14, 2008

Nick Jonas In The Hospital 2010

"cute" ... Back from Belgium

Oh you drive! I imagine you, sitting comfortably on the chair of your PC while "sprawled" think, " though, nice 'I runs ! And it's easy to say - or think - " cute 'I'm runs," for you that you've never been!

Ehssì, because that was the opening words of the first bad luck ... shot, but that settled well. That runs - that you "sprawled" regarded as "cute" - is located in Belgium.

It 's a long story to explain in a few lines, is also a fact too: in Belgium people do not leaves the house. It seems they are afraid to leave (and in fact, if you notice, the runs, although "cute" is totally deserted ...) But I

mica are Belgian, and so, even if I'm in Belgium, I go out and even then, since I'm on vacation!

And I think I see a little park "cute" and I'm not going to give me a ride?

So far, do not bat an eyelid!

But the fold, comes early, and has two legs, two arms, a head (but without the brain) ... as a profession and is the keeper of the "nice little park!

Any keeper of a park, before you close it, it would make a tour to see if there are still people inside. But do not prick the caretaker, who closed the park and if they fuck!

have thought, "so we in Belgium, are all sealed shut in the house ... 'I'm shit and I park it too, like everyone else to gorging on beer ...

And if there's anyone still inside, 'sti cocks!

Well, that someone was me. Fortuna and I were in the park! Capito guardian of shit?? Fortune and I are still in the park! As they say in Flemish FUCK?

So you can do? Scream? No, so there is nobody on the street!

So only one solution: FENCE ...

We climb up a big gate that will be 2 feet high ... At the top, it's time to jump! How will you land?

Appointment sunt rerum consequentiae ... (I said the Professor of Italian, perhaps as he explained Betrothed i) ...

So, if your name is lucky, lucky, Fortunello, o Cascosempreinpiedi, stai pur certo che il tuo atterraggio sarà ottimale!

Se hai un altro nome, invece, è meglio che cerchi una panchina e ti rassegni a trascorrere la notte nel parco!

Io di nome non faccio Fortunello... e se mi lancio, anche se casco in piedi, non è detto che non mi faccio male!

Mi lancio è... I feel like I can fly ...

Ma sfortunatamente ho " feel " male, e quindi all'impatto con il terreno ho sentito un TAC...

Morale della favola: se sei in Belgio, meglio se non esci di casa. Se proprio vuoi uscire di casa, non andare nel parco. Se proprio vieni attratto da quel parco "carino" e pensi che is a sin not to go for a walk - and then, my dear, are you that you look for it - remember, before going to remove the guardian. Otherwise you terminating the inside!


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