not easily forget what happened last Friday when I went to attend a conference that was held by the parties to Via Ostiense. In some conferences, should not provide lunch, if in the area, bars, selling sandwiches so disgusting!
Yes, last Friday I ate the most disgusting sandwich of my life!
But the subject of this post, wants to be a lousy sandwich.
admit that this sandwich was absolutely delicious, the best ever eaten in my life.
In fact, if stato buonissimo, magari invece di uno ne avrei mangiati due. Anche tre. Esageriamo: quattro. Ma non oltre! E difatti, anche se una cosa è buona, se ne abusi, alla fine ti disgusta.
E allora...
Ma come cavolo fanno quei belgi maledetti a farsi fuori 13 birre (minimo) a serata?
Lo ammetto: la birra belga è più buona della nostra. Lì ho assaggiato birra di tutti i generi e a tutti i gusti: persino la birra alla ciliegia, e al quella alla pesca ('na macedonia de birra, insomma).
Ma te ne prendi una, due. Al massimo tre... Poi ti ricordi che devi tornare a casa, e quindi la smetti!
E invece quelli no! Gli danno giù come dannati! E se tu sei con they can not refuse, you must drink, otherwise steps to antisocial behavior.
In Belgium, the sociability of the people is measured in glasses (tumbler) of beer. There is no concept of going out for a chat, but only that of going out to drink. Then, if we escape a chat, Belgium's endeavors (he does not want to!), But the important thing is to drink!
So, go with the first beer! The mechanism is strange. In fact, as soon as your glass is drained, the waiter comes immediately to make a new order. It seems that which has the radar!
And so orders. You're sitting by a quarter of an hour, and get a second beer.
Then a third ...
Now a fourth ...
Punctual, on the stroke of the last drop, is the waiter.
So, to change, modify beer, get the Kriek, the cherry beer.
very good, no doubt about it. But you do not have time to enjoy it, and within 5 minutes of your "drinking buddies" have already made out their beer, and waiting for eager (but also a little pissed off) because you want to finish your order a ' other.
you adapt and you stracanni frettissima in cherry beer. Re-
comes the waiter ...
comes the waiter ...
doing two calculations (although the math is not my forte), I notice that the room for less than two hours, and I have already "annoyed" 5 beers.
" For me it's enough! ," I say to the waiter ...
What I look bad.
and Fortune tells me: " take something to drink, otherwise let's figure of shit." Ok ...
beer number 6: the apricot ...
Arriva. Time 10 minutes, and the pace of sponges Belgian requires me to take him out in 10 minutes ...
6 beers in two hours and a half ... a record ...
My table-mates, they begin to write the numbers .... Beer
number 7 ... I give up and take a Coke ....
look at me strange, " Coke is not an alcoholic drink !
And I say, "Maybe here in Belgium! But in Italy there is a new kind of Coke That is alcoholic" (trad, perhaps in Belgium! But in Italy there is a new type of Coca-Cola and alcohol) ... Fortunately
'sti Belgians drink everything and then you are too drunk' is bullshit!
Tour # 8: I order a fantasy. Of course I said that this was also alcoholic.
Round 9: one invites me to try the Belgian Duvel, a beer that has a 40in degrees, and which also sucks (the only Belgian beer that makes me sick) ... I take my time! And they call me before you make the Duvel, to taste a beer that in Italy so much, we have the most alcoholic beer in Italy!
I promise that Duvel take it to the next round ...
He follows me ... the waiter ordered two glasses of mineral water ...
The guy was so drunk that you have not noticed that the drink that I was doing the drinking water was very common! And I also asked what brand it was, it would have taken it again.
"ACQUAGASSATA" ... I say to him! The brand is "ACQUAGASSATA.
And he kept saying "AUAKAZATHA? No, no, "ACQUAGASSATA" preliminary better !?!?!?
"AKKAGAZZASA ... Oh well, take care ... you write it expects "ACQUAGASSATA. He said, "AGUAGASsssSSSaaaAAATA "?!?!? What the fuck, I miss read you know!
Alla decima birra, il compagno di bevute che mi stava davanti, inizia a parlarmi in fiammingo. Gli avevo detto che non parlavo (e non capivo una parola) di fiammingo, ma tra i fumi dell'alcol (e dell' "AGUAGAZZATA", o come preferite pronunciarla) non ci stava pensando. Io naturalmente annuivo. Senza capirci una mazza, ma annuivo!
Insomma, sono arrivati a 17 birre... Di cui, solo un paio, di quelle bevute da loro, erano della nota marca italiana "ACQUAGASSATA".
Io ho terminato il mio score (facendo il record di birre in una notte), a quota 7 birre, 2 coche (alcoliche), una fanta (alcolica anch'essa, naturalmente), e 7 birre di marca "ACQUAGASSATA".
Insomma, I could not keep up with glasses of water ....
Bottom line: If you are in Belgium, the Belgian company, do not be intimidated by their huge mugs of beer! So after a couple of hours drinking "one's throat" does not begin to understand anything, and you can make him drink the pure mineral water, that both do not realize it. In any case, drink Belgian beer as well, but if you go to follow the conventions of the parties dell'Ostiense, do not eat the sandwiches, which they suck!
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