Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Container Ramps For Sale



Dopo sfiancanti very hard test and there are only three participants in the selection for a job as a secret agent in the maximum coverage to the CIA.
Two men and a woman.

The pool of examiners decides to submit a final test to decide who will be affiliated with.

is called the first extraction agent:

"See that door? Your last test consists in entering there. We give you a gun, here it is."
hands him a Magnum 44.

"What should I do?"
"Behind that door is your wife sitting in a chair. For the security of the country and to be sure that nothing will ever be disclosed about your responsibilities and your actions you have to go and kill your wife con un colpo solo"
"Fallo e il posto sarà tuo".
L'esaminato tentenna, prende la pistola ed entra.

"Dici che lo farà?" dice un esaminatore ad un altro.
"Non lo so, ma tanto la pistola è scarica" risponde l'altro.

Dopo un quarto d'ora la porta si riapre e l'aspirante agente esce a testa bassa tenendo la pistola verso il basso:
"Mi spiace, non ce la faccio. Non sono degno di questo incarico....."
"Ci spiace, abbiamo bisogno di gente pronta a tutto. Avanti il secondo candidato!"

Entra il secondo candidato.
Anche a lui viene data una pistola a sua insaputa scarica e gli viene chiesto di sparare alla moglie che si trova sitting in a locked room that is indicated.

The guy looks stronger, but once closed the door did not hear any shooting until the door opens and the candidate leaves disconsolate:
"No, I can not do, is too much even for me, my wife is All my life ......" and bursts into tears.

Examiners dismissed him and called the third candidate.

"Behind that door is her husband sitting in a chair, you have to go and shoot a bullet in the head, he knows the security, privacy ...." and blah, blah, blah.

The woman opens the door without saying a word, just shut you hear a gunshot, then another, then a crash and then a bang and a scream quarter of an hour.

The Committee is worried about, but soon after she walks out the door panting:

"mica is not so, though. The gun was not loaded and I had to kill a chair!"


A cruise ship aground near Cape Horn.

Only two survivors are able to reach a strip of land is wild and has all the appearance of an isolated island and unknown. He is

Alessio, Livorno hub still handsome and she is actress Megan Fox. After an initial reluctance

the two of you begin to make friends, share the methods of survival and pass you pass the time, to develop a mutual sympathy that brings them quickly to the sound and furious fucking.

Skip a month, two months, three months, one year, but the passion between the two, aided by the long isolation, is not subsiding.
But after a couple of years Alex begins to pine.
"What ammorey, you're not happy here with you Megan?"
"Executioner dè of stralusso and stewed, but I feel that I am missing ..... varcòsa quarcosa of 'arning, key ...."
"What I can for you Farey, ammore?"
"A 'dare you gets the"
"Tell me, ammorey, I thuttho Tey for ..."
"Do you remember that a few hundred yards farther on the shore there were trunks came ashore from the ship? "
" Yes "
go get those trunks and there are a men's clothes.

" Here, Megan put on this dress pants and blue shirt that looks like a controller dell'ATL "
"What do you do, Alex?" asks Megan worried.
"Nothing, I put what I tell you, look at these shoes a moccasin, you are du 'Vorta, Put it on!"
"But what you do, you would not want ......." Megan is very alarmed.
"You're bona, take a pencil and designed for women with arthritis chest Dù whiskers
Megan running, but expect something very perverse and his concern about salt.
"Megan, do you mind if I call Gino?"
"Ale, I do not ......."
"A worry, a Fò you anything, you can call Gino?"
"Oh, but Ale ...... ok, ok, call me Gino ...."
"Yes ?......" Megan responds expecting the worst.
"MALLOSAI MEGAN HORN HO FOXSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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