Monday, January 31, 2011

What Channel Is For The Game For The Sv2000


Among the thousands of opinions about the castro Arcore I expected a firm response by one category, that of women, who providentially was able to raise your voice for example
with the events of yesterday , whose intent was simply to define its strangeness and his pride in front of the commercialization of power in the name of a seedy little man surrounded by courtiers
/ and even more squalid. Events
but do not resolve one of the kernels of the fundamental problem: that is why there are still conditions that is still and always the woman at the center of commercialization
built around such a company, since it's not that I stand here and describe what and how the model Berlusconi is a veritable laboratory of debasement of the dignity of women since the
its infancy.
And this in a country where already the figure of the woman in his path of liberation both individual and gender in itself has its counterparts as the Church, which historically has always considered the woman
as a mere appendage of man from Adam and his ribs.

There is, however, a 'but' and a 'but' grosso come una casa, riguardo lo sfruttamento di giovini virgulti in fiore da parte del Potere brutto, cattivo e perverso.

Il "ma" riguarda la possibilità da parte delle signorine in questione di poter scegliere o meno, rispetto ad altre "colleghe" le quali questa libertà di scelta non ce l'hanno o almeno non è assolutamente paragonabile
a quella delle signorine in questione.

E quando leggo articoli come questo e questo pubblicato da "Femminismo a sud" sinceramente mi cadono le palle. Senza se e senza ma. Semplicemente mi cadono, e con gran fragore.


scrive l'autrice dell'articolo:

"Qui si sta legittimando - And most people do not seem to be aware of - the opposition "good women, bad women," here you are playing the game of the enemy,
here is saying that the problem is tissue and sex workers and not a corrupt political class, authoritarian, oligarchic to the core, always patriarchal and sexist. "

No one wants to question the nature of this political class, which, however, it is worth pointing out, is also composed of a large number of women, women who have earned a place of privilege than that of
many other citizens and not just making a career as Berlusconi sign. It can therefore disquisire quanto si vuole sulla struttura oligarchica e patriarcale del potere ma
mi si faccia il favore di ricordare che in questa struttura patriarcale ed oligarchica a sguazzare c'è un bel numero di signore e signorine che non sono arrivate colà per colpa di un sistema patriarcale ed oligarchico
ma semplicemente perché le stesse HANNO SCELTO CONSAPEVOLMENTE di entrarci, collaborarci e farsene all'occorrenza fedeli vestali.
Negare questa cosa sarebbe solo segno di malafede e volontà di mistificare.
Questo, oltre ad essere un sistema patriarcale ed oligarchico, è un sistema che tende ad emarginare prima di tutto gli individui delle classi meno abbienti ed è chiaro che se sei donna la lotta per affermarsi come persona
and how individuality is much more difficult and grueling physical and mental level, but more so I think it's time to recognize and sharply, for example, what is the condition of the young ladies of the harem
Silvio (facial tissues, meteorinas and gheddafine included), those that go to the feasts accompanied by Lele Mora and Emilio Fede or going to show tits and ass on TV redone,
with those that are taken on a sidewalk and beaten, harassed and beaten because then when go to compare bank accounts and many girls and young girls because of this and try to make 2 +2
follow the exploits, I do not think that is why there is no alternative for these to affirm the dignity of individuals outside the harem of the sultan.
Or you want to tell me that Minetti, a D'Addario, a macro or Ruby are victims of patriarchal power and male and then I feel that we should seriously take the piss
becomes certainty, so I feel obliged to Just fuck the other person, take the jacket and get back to more serious things.
reality, and it is a fact that the articles of "Feminism in the south" pretend not to see or not see out of sheer ideological blindness, which is a structural difference between individuals, are also only women there.
And that is not fatal to a part of this money and power like. It does not make any hesitation in case there is a chance to get there, whatever the nature of power.
They are women who choose deliberately to facilitate this system, simply because it satisfies the most pragmatic of their desires. Appear, win, please, have a source of income using
its beauty or its subtlety.
are no women who come from disadvantaged families, working class or poor. They had families
means, opportunity and money.
They had at their disposal all the means to be empowered to choose, as well as many other women who have chosen to work and live the high price for their dignity as a woman despite the difficulties
che questa società oligarchica e patriarcale pone a chiunque non faccia parte del sempre più ristretto club dei benestanti.
Ed il drago continuerà a mangiare finchè ci sarà carne fresca che si offre spontaneamente ed in modo così zelante.
Capisco che andare a pulire le scale o starsene in un call center 8 ore al giorno come fanno tante altre donne (e uomini, nei call center e nelle imprese di pulizie ce ne sono tanti ed altrettanti) è faticoso e poco appagante,
ma per favore anche il ruolo della vittima per veline e zoccolette impastate di silicone a botte di 5000 euro alla volta no, speravo proprio che questa mi venisse risparmiata.

Sarà perchè di donne ne conosco abbastanza e che la stragrande majority puttanaio before this, first of all feel the need to reaffirm with pride their own choices, choices of hard work,
painful choices that also places them in situations of great economic hardship and not just when you need to separate from a companion who is no longer in tune with their lives (and, despite the catastrophic
no statistics, we men are not all monsters with weapons and blunt objects chasing their former, we also accept certain choices) and even though we children are to grow and certainly not sell
never even a frame of your ass to please an old satyr.
plus, working in the entertainment industry and having had experience both in theater and film and television, I can say with absolute certainty that it is not always necessary to open her thighs
to work and gain esteem and respect, talents and skills are also needed. In fact, fundamental. Unbelievable, huh? Yes, there is also an artistic context and spectacular outside of the Berlusconi
in which you can choose to look and even how.

So, dear friends of feminism in the south, it is normal that many women do not arise in a primary issue of whether and how much power is patriarchal and authoritarian, they know and have always known and always fighting and fight, but in the eyes of those who live with them these are esattamente l'andare oltre questo sistema grazie al fatto che hanno capito, a differenza vostra, che non esiste una liberazione di genere se prima non si stabilisce la centralità della liberazione degli individui , perché il fossato che divide le donne che incontriamo nella vita di tutti i giorni dalle cortigiane di Silvio, che siano ministre o semplicemente zoccole arriviste, sono le stesse che dividono un lavoratore dal ruffiano infame che fa la spia in fabbrica.

Se pensate che a molti di noi maschi questo sistema faccia comodo o che vogliamo trovare ogni artificio dialettico per sostenerlo siete fuori strada.
Per quelli come noi significa semplicemente mettere a disposizione di chi esercita un power, and that of the policy of brutality and physical force, both the pressure and psychological harassment,
increasingly more and more power with arrogance, ignorance, and above all the reasons to continue to engage this diverse range of abuses of the strong over the weak .
This is not the society we want, neither you nor us. Finally, the


" Italy falls apart because of" malefimmine "then?
We're going to watch the women around us all the gossip of impersonating mouth pink? And all this without doing anything?
No, I do not accept. The fireflies would andare in piazza, e noi dovremmo andare con loro, e farlo in modo da ottenere l’attenzione, per poter dire quello che vediamo succedere oggi, qui, in questo paese.

Non mi pare che si dica che "L'Italia va a pezzi per colpa delle malafimmine".
Questa è una patetica esibizione di vittimismo fuori luogo, visto che il Sultano e la sua coorte è e rimane il centro del problema, basta farsi un giro non solo tra i blog dei maschi, ma anche chiedere un poco in giro fra coloro che, ovviamente, verso questo governo mantengono un minimo di senso critico. E' comunque vero che le scelte - ripeto - consapevoli and well weighted, the ladies mentioned in the surveys (and also those who helped create this scenario and to define ways and methods of communication) are fully functional in this system, and they must be good with it and if possible their efforts concentrate in trying to make it last as much as possible.
And I repeat, only to blame the patriarchal system and oligarchic for this is simply a lack of accountability in relation to young ladies who have had the means and conditions well before he met the Sultan to "liberate" the vast majority of the workers can not even dream of the night.
The autobiography of herself that Minetti did in one of his last interviews is quite symptomatic in this regard.

He thought about it, if there positions steep really help the movement feminist or iconoclastic fury of the attack in toto to the male risk of being left with the Palin, the Santanché and Gelmini and human garbage like the same side of the fence.
I suspect that even many women do not share it with my own motivations.

(pictured, never mind)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

21st Birthday Ideas In Toronto

#italy #????

continuously since last night (except sleep break) what is happening in Egypt is on twitter and on Al Jazeera that is covering the event as any of our network ipertelevisionata peninsula would dream of doing, so to clarify what we believe is still the hub of the universe by shaking a gora stinking slime of making people laugh the rest of globe.

E 'a completely new experience for me to follow live comments and information that flows continuously in real time to a historic event like this, but I do not think that the Net is an indispensable tool for a revolt, even they obviously can help.
Credo invece che una determinazione incrollabile nel rovesciare uno stato di cose nel quale il popolo non si riconosce più sia principalmente uno stato d'animo che non può essere delegato in esclusiva a nessun mezzo ed a nessuna altra istituzione.

L'Italia ne è una dimostrazione perfetta.
Difatti la situazione è che gruppi sparsi saltellano di piazza in piazza, ieri lo sciopero FIOM ed i precari dello spettacolo oggi il corteo delle donne, il 13 Santoro & c. a difesa dei P.M., come se una piazza al giorno levasse il Buffo Omino di torno.

Allora sarà bene ricordare alle anime belle cosa succede quando si vuole togliere un son of a bitch from the bales, so that in a drink and a game of football on sky maybe someone will realize where we are and how you intend to stand up your legs, that in Egypt the dead are already a hundred and go, that people is defying a curfew after the government announced that those who violate the provision is exposed to danger, that 3 people were killed in front of the interior minister, which is actually what the network sends the world is always a part of what that really happens and what really happens is not in any way reproduce.

These amazing photos are impressive in their realism

When we worry and we invoke la piazza contro un ducetto squallido quanto si vuole ma che ha gli artigli ben saldati sui beni del paese, se pensiamo che basterà scendere in piazza semplicemente ad intimargli di andarsene possiamo tranquillamente risparmiare fiato, energie e soldi del viaggio.
Quello non se ne va.

Figuriamoci con una piazza radunata da Veltroni (contrordine compagni, la notizia è già sparita addirittura dall'home page dell'Unità).

Tutto come previsto invece in casa CGIL, la Camusso s'è guardata bene dal nominare lo sciopero generale, svelando in pieno la sua funzione di rabbonitrice e vera e propria stampella di questo governo durante il quale il mondo del lavoro ha subito gli attacchi più pesanti e violenti della history of the Republic.


The road will lead us down the street is ready-made.

However, we recommend that you first brush up with a nice smear & knock at his self-styled self-styled opposition formations.

E 'thanks to them that there will be no other path than that practiced today, Saturday, January 29, 2011, in Egypt.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gallbladder Attack Swollen Glands

#jan25 #egypt

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Peperidge Farms Party Loafs Of Bread


"We are facing a disaster anthropology: let's stop in time before the degenerates even more." And 'the appeal launched by the Secretary General of the CEI, Mgr. Marian Crusade, which calls for "overcome the strife, wars of all against all", without falling into "factions."
(Source: RAI News 24 )

Maybe someone can escape because after this declaration, the best interpretation of the phrase "Do the right thing" may be to take the said fishing Bishop Crusade neck.

But in a country where a newspaper referring to the chairman of the board if it comes in 9 in 81 columns with a magistrate who was a journalist with the left franella probably beyond a lot of things, although I believe that this, together with turquoise socks , is one of the lowest points touched by any hacks since the invention of signs.

Said, Monsignor Crusade lives in the country of Commissioners Manganelli, agents Spaccarotella ladies and Mussolini and he knows it very well. And he knows that we are not talking about Duckburg. How

also knows that there are also citizens of this consortium that business-mafia-puttanesca it would also sick and tired and that if we are not yet down to get them all, from St. Peter's Deputies and the Quirinal, is because most people still struggle to establish that everything is unfolding before their eyes it's all true.

But there is a but.

the undersigned, for instance, learned the language of communication when television channels were 2.
first channel and second channel.
VHF and UHF. And like an idiot
Masi would not have brought into RAI miss as usher.
RAI was run by weasels Democrat who knew Italy at that time much better than they know it's funny little man in the Army Strategy Communicators Arcore. The generation of
Current thirties had the baptism of adolescence with Drive and all the junk protocafona 80 for which the concept of culture had a drink with a flute planted in her ass then set a language in the collective we identified as "tissue ".

sbarellavo when I saw the skirts of Mina, which was something immense and wonderful female 100%

then it is obvious that the appearance of the thighs & butts mediasettiani has in some way perceived immediately as an unnecessary vulgarity.
Capiamoci: a good porn is good porn. The combination of eros and seduction that some women knew transmit a display screen in black and white is another face of everything that makes up the body temperature, which calls for opening any erotic horizon because when there is a beautiful title and a history of challenging the story I'll write to you and best of what could be any exegete eros. .
The depiction of female desire and seduction has been, thanks to the goals of the snake, a vulgarization similar to that of those, just to make you angry, you pour a glass of lemonade in the Brunello di Montalcino.

Besides flattening down the representation of male desire which, apparently, to be in a tsunami triggered by the desire to possess merely needs to discovered an ass and tits silhouette of two higher than the first measure. Nevertheless

has seen a parallel Rossini crescendo of bombing of messages that calls for improvements to their bodies to the point that half mankind has begun to feel uncomfortable and lose your balance any criticism of the real beauty, one that emanating from its interior, and gives splendor to any shape you have.

And so on anorexia, bulimia, panic attacks, feelings of inadequacy, DEAD.

And all this danger in the way complacent Male Latin derivation of the comic Western white male.

Here, we men would not be so. Potentially, I say.

But there is a culture, one that in our happy little town in the shape of the boot is invoked as a bulwark against the infidel Saracen, which for centuries has done everything, more and too much for man's role in community human was that of a mouflon horny and frustrated, however, which views a woman as his property and even denies that the ownership of his body.

And this culture is directly spokesman Monsignor Crusade.

If someone struggling to remember the whirlwind of blessings to the rise of the funny little man Arcore since its appearance alternating with vacant papal warnings against hedonism and the "misuse" of Television can do the continuous and strong support that the Banda Berlusconi has had to date from the Vatican, during which I would urge them to take to the streets with a new Family Day, so that finally we explain what the fuck they have in their concept of family rotten heads. Now

Crusade invites us to overcome the "all against all."
But that "all against all."
We've got it with you.
you and the criminals who have supported so thrilled with your Bagnasco, with your Ruini, with your Fisichella and with your humble husbandmen. So what
We've got it with you because we consider you a cancer to society. Why
poisoned you with your imaginary friend centuries of history and yet you sit comfortably in chairs next to Damascus thieves, killers, profiteers, pimps, whoremongers and hungry by distributing the crumbs with your Caritas that if anything at all the money sucked from the Italian State were in the hands of those who solidarity and concrete help and it really makes no imaginary friends, half of the problem of world poverty would be very simple, but far less dramatic.

And we with you not only for what you are to blame also forced to endure millions of women, as well as males to have tried to reduce us, suggesting that our sexual drives are the stuff of monkeys ingrifate and then by force and degrading salvo lasciarci macerare nel peccato quando ne perdiamo il controllo e, non avendo la fortuna di indossare una tonaca, non possiamo espiare semplicemente venendo trasferiti ad altra parrocchia.

Avete tenuto mano alla vera catastrofe antropologica in atto in questo paese ed ora vorreste anche cento lire di resto, Monsignor Crociata.

Quindi no, non è un "tutti contro tutti".
Ce l'abbiamo proprio con voi.

(Nella foto: la scrittrice Isabella Santacroce, una delle donne grazie alle quali SO che la Santanché non è una donna)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Golden Blonde Hair Compared To Ash Blonde


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Container Ramps For Sale



Dopo sfiancanti very hard test and there are only three participants in the selection for a job as a secret agent in the maximum coverage to the CIA.
Two men and a woman.

The pool of examiners decides to submit a final test to decide who will be affiliated with.

is called the first extraction agent:

"See that door? Your last test consists in entering there. We give you a gun, here it is."
hands him a Magnum 44.

"What should I do?"
"Behind that door is your wife sitting in a chair. For the security of the country and to be sure that nothing will ever be disclosed about your responsibilities and your actions you have to go and kill your wife con un colpo solo"
"Fallo e il posto sarà tuo".
L'esaminato tentenna, prende la pistola ed entra.

"Dici che lo farà?" dice un esaminatore ad un altro.
"Non lo so, ma tanto la pistola è scarica" risponde l'altro.

Dopo un quarto d'ora la porta si riapre e l'aspirante agente esce a testa bassa tenendo la pistola verso il basso:
"Mi spiace, non ce la faccio. Non sono degno di questo incarico....."
"Ci spiace, abbiamo bisogno di gente pronta a tutto. Avanti il secondo candidato!"

Entra il secondo candidato.
Anche a lui viene data una pistola a sua insaputa scarica e gli viene chiesto di sparare alla moglie che si trova sitting in a locked room that is indicated.

The guy looks stronger, but once closed the door did not hear any shooting until the door opens and the candidate leaves disconsolate:
"No, I can not do, is too much even for me, my wife is All my life ......" and bursts into tears.

Examiners dismissed him and called the third candidate.

"Behind that door is her husband sitting in a chair, you have to go and shoot a bullet in the head, he knows the security, privacy ...." and blah, blah, blah.

The woman opens the door without saying a word, just shut you hear a gunshot, then another, then a crash and then a bang and a scream quarter of an hour.

The Committee is worried about, but soon after she walks out the door panting:

"mica is not so, though. The gun was not loaded and I had to kill a chair!"


A cruise ship aground near Cape Horn.

Only two survivors are able to reach a strip of land is wild and has all the appearance of an isolated island and unknown. He is

Alessio, Livorno hub still handsome and she is actress Megan Fox. After an initial reluctance

the two of you begin to make friends, share the methods of survival and pass you pass the time, to develop a mutual sympathy that brings them quickly to the sound and furious fucking.

Skip a month, two months, three months, one year, but the passion between the two, aided by the long isolation, is not subsiding.
But after a couple of years Alex begins to pine.
"What ammorey, you're not happy here with you Megan?"
"Executioner dè of stralusso and stewed, but I feel that I am missing ..... varcòsa quarcosa of 'arning, key ...."
"What I can for you Farey, ammore?"
"A 'dare you gets the"
"Tell me, ammorey, I thuttho Tey for ..."
"Do you remember that a few hundred yards farther on the shore there were trunks came ashore from the ship? "
" Yes "
go get those trunks and there are a men's clothes.

" Here, Megan put on this dress pants and blue shirt that looks like a controller dell'ATL "
"What do you do, Alex?" asks Megan worried.
"Nothing, I put what I tell you, look at these shoes a moccasin, you are du 'Vorta, Put it on!"
"But what you do, you would not want ......." Megan is very alarmed.
"You're bona, take a pencil and designed for women with arthritis chest Dù whiskers
Megan running, but expect something very perverse and his concern about salt.
"Megan, do you mind if I call Gino?"
"Ale, I do not ......."
"A worry, a Fò you anything, you can call Gino?"
"Oh, but Ale ...... ok, ok, call me Gino ...."
"Yes ?......" Megan responds expecting the worst.
"MALLOSAI MEGAN HORN HO FOXSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Milena Velba Rollar Coaster


Bersani: Man of the sheets. Already you could tell from this premise that we would have a secretary ghost. Its strategies to capture the electorate piddino (yes because I'm still at the point of having to pick up among them) have gone from your twitter whose glory will probably not be represented in any future cyberpoema but that has certainly racked up jokes & quips in quantities sufficient to determine that the charismatic face of honest-to-butcher or cheese dovediavoloè, when the balance is in the hearts of voters between Minnie Minoprio and to that of Mario Riva.
The other strategy was to launch a battle cry as "roll up our sleeves"
From sitting on a stool.
says, then you want. The
come looking. And tell
You're talking to a potential electorate who are decinaia years who has rolled up his sleeves and keeps you. See Bersani
that at the time of the CAF were better economically mica but gave us nothing. And I'm
decinaia years that the killers of people like you rewards wooden heads, pimps, and crafty spalletonde the condominium. COOP
I have worked in red and black ones, and those in the protectorates CGIL CISL.
said that with the ass by a yawn that has been done by the piece was also outdoor foreman, Bersani, the only thing that comes to tell you and shame. But he
hard, rolled up his sleeves and has run in front of the puttanaio broadcast on TeleBerlusconia has not found something better to mutter something about his resignation, once covered not only the ring but even by the Vatican which has been Casini torneino to 6 with a tumbler Dutch semi-finals and final dry and see if the damage time than it takes out.
The only smart move: the photo while shoveling in Florence during the flood of '66. There had rolled up his sleeves for something right. But I would not expect to find any other time in the mud to start shoveling. And then the report card to
But there I also won me, and I have the eighth grade.

In short: a tuna.
If I did not know that the powers hostile to Berlusconi can do better I left for Cape Verde in scootering. Otherwise there


Vendola: First is gay. And this has its advantages. Meanwhile, if you get caught doing orgies and parties at least change the scenario. And I just want to see how long it puts the jugular Santanché to burst.
just put in a studio with Aldo Busi acid and you're done. But the Nichi
is serious, too serious for the Felt & c. on duty, in fact, have not yet deigned to a file and it is doing even suspicious D'Alema.

Our poeteggia and yearns for now, but as for mobilization and support to the struggle against social butchery we are still in place three fingers on the notebook with squares, other than poetry.
Vendola hard to give visibility in the workplace and production because SL is an established training policy and not at work.
Interpret this obscure sentence as you like but I hope have been clear.
have not broken through in the universities and even less in the factories. The Nichi
good he is at the back while there is a substantial slice of the country who has already made its manifestations of what one can do harm, not those festive with children, families and flags, but those who go to take the beatings to maintain the rights already won despite the beatings.
Vendola, the speeches are over. Manco
know shit about the general strike organized. They do
FIOM and the COBAS January 28.
Where the hell are you? Where are your main interlocutors of the PD, your friends, the CGIL, you Opposition calls you? What are you thinking? But what you want from our lives?
The point is that they are stealing the lives and future and you are there to comb the anchovies. This is


Do me the favor, if it started a few popular style bike Egypt, Albania, Tunisia, Greece and who knows, take your share of responsibility before the entire country, as Berlusconi and his will to take them. But
blame, because they are few and are no less serious.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Put A Sound System On A Moped


After Sheehan Cicchitto also reiterated that are considering lowering the increased age in order to save your ass flaccid Arcore the funny little man.

From my point of view would do more good figure to appear Annozero dressed as a nun in suspenders brandishing a vibrator model squartapaperi neoprene acid green but apparently some people no longer ashamed of anything.

At this point I take the flak antiberlusconiana hidden between the diverted services, masonry and various mafias: you shits.

But of all the crap that you can pull out on the vices and debauchery of Mr Silvio Berlusconi, could not bring out a picture of our presdelcons tagarolo of skunk with a nice steaming and crackling?

And from there, these ladies I did not expect some strokes of genius or revolutionary situation seen that the most lively sister seems silly to Bondi, in the case of twins or Neapolitan aunts Santanchè the ugly, but at least a good soul (like their boyfriends or their fathers & ; moms fucking smarter, at least 70 years should have made them!) to explain how they fit into the mouth of a tapironte Nepal with the promise that the presence Viagra has the effect of a TicTac and return with all phone in Odorama would solve a lot, but a lot of trouble to all humanity.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Much Does An Lpn Make In Ny


"Did you see? Now even the Vatican has run mad! E ' just fruit! "
So joyful cries the left press. And, of course, not all.

Now, if there is someone or something with which the method Boffo high probability of success is precisely what the Vatican.
method Boffo not mean the usual trite arguments historical, political and ethical eater in gazzosina stupid that we have used so far.

S'inchiappettano children, and what you want it?
In those ugly strands omertà to the grandfather who molested his grandchildren is traditional steel, imagine if Don Daniel, said Don Dan can not encourage the family jewels in the same way it would be a welcome guest at dinner.

There a background behind everything, chevvecredete.
E 'eater that we too find it hard to believe it. And then the method

Boffo as the Vatican will not follow or not the leitmotif of the Holy Scriptures, but follow the rules or not an area where the worship of God does not wear a beard and with his index finger touches the Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. This index
God keeps him more easily between the buttocks of a few minor after that if it does polish the language of Bondi.
And this God has a particular propensity to run well or thing, MONEY.

So be good if we were to attend this event, which ended & c. or who for their from loading the heavy artillery and eater you should send us a load of beer and popcorn.

Even if we wait for the heavy artillery of Bersani can also take the jacket and go to the club to finish the punch.
now makes 10 million signatures.

Or head to knee, the ten million signatures you have already made with the vote and just for that!
levarcelo voted for You got the chair, trying not to stay with us as a pillow is more comfortable.
And in the meantime you and all Members well welded to 15,000 euros per month you have received the most punctual of burping after Coke.

And we still have to explain to someone who calls himself the Opposition strategically is finding an endless variety of ways to get Just fuck.
In its own way is a record.
and the remaining Italians who did not vote for Berlusconi nell'insospettirsi have some qualms.

Now, even in Albania beginning to see the mice in green chair.
even say that because of our information sempresialodatahaha, Albania has a well-defined representation, as if there is still some itching unsolved since World War II.

Anyway, here we are.

Some people expect the CGIL and the general strike. Who expects
Some people expect the procession. There are those who expect
Some people expect him to put it in place.
Some people expect the Red Brigades. There are those who expect
Veltroni (I swear, there!)
Some wait for the advent of the Prophet clam.
There's a lot of people waiting.

If they begin to fall still do not expect other than themselves then, only then, will we finally got it.