Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bari Jay Dresses And Too Small


AVVERTENZEavvertenzeTrader indipendente che opera sui mercati finanziari da oltre 25 anni. Ha iniziato la sua attività con operazioni sul mercato azionario italiano con arco temporale a medio/lungo periodo. Successivamente con l’avvento del trading-on-line l’operatività è mutata specializzandosi nel mercato dei future, dapprima sul future Spmib e poi sul mercato Eurex, prediligendo operazioni di breve-brevissimo periodo, diventando così un daytrader. L’operatività è basata esclusivamente sull’analisi tecnica e ciclica, con maggiore incidenza di quest’ultima in quanto convinto che i mercati finanziari muovano i propri prezzi secondo logiche precise spazio/temporali (teoria ciclica) e raramente in virtù di movimenti insensati e/o chaotic (chaos theory).

Check out the help of the table if you have the characteristics of a Trader win or lose!
attitude with respect to: Winning Trader Trader Loser
PATIENCE Waits for the opportunity to materialize following a predetermined plan of action Reacts following personal impulses
RULES Following his strategy. E 'ability to associate positive discipline. Emotional, often confused. He hates the discipline.
STRATEGY planned Ben has created a system compatible with itself and that works does not use a methodology organized
TRADING SYSTEM well prepared did homework. Forecasting system has a defined and tested little knowledge of the market unprepared. Do not have a system or use different systems
STATEMENT rationale for long-term Making money, instant gratification
AIMS defined not defined
CONTROL RISK risk / favorable loss and organized. He developed a system compatible with your personality and goals of trading Low or no risk control
MENTAL STATE Positive, resourceful. Focused relaxed and confident. Mind Control nervous, anxious, unfocused, out of control.
LOSS does not consider the loss as a negative element or to avoid feelings associated with loss and negative emotions: Do not want to lose
PROFIT Gets substantial profits in a defined strategy. It is not focused on a single trade Exaltation of positive feelings related to profit. Looking for bang

The board, as usual, is always to set the stop to preserve the good profit gains.

service trading involves a high degree of risk and may result in substantial losses even, if necessary, ask about an opinion of an independent financial consultant.


Money on the Stock Exchange, 18 rules to avoid mistakes

same rules that you will find all the websites, but still valid
  1. Divide your capital into 10 equal parts and rischiane at most only one per transaction.
  2. Always use stop loss.
  3. Never let a profit becomes a loss. To do this, raise your stop loss (or if you Turn it down to the bottom) as prices rise (or fall). In this way, any reversal in trend, will "liquidate" while you're still in "profit."
  4. Always follow the trend. Do not think to bring it forward. Do not take them into buying it for sale if you are unsure of market direction or individual title.
  5. If in doubt, refrain from any operation.
  6. intervenes only securities assets. Forget everything that is not from 'signs of life for a long time.
  7. Distribute the risk on securities other than 4:00 to 5:00. Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
  8. Do not limit your orders. Once you decide, buy or sell "at best" (at the market).
  9. Do not exit a position if you do not reason. Follow the trend and protect yourself with a stop loss.
  10. not "rationalize" a loss. If the market is in the opposite direction to yours, do not tell you that is a good opportunity to increase your purchases (or sales if you are bearish). You just have to get out of your position.
  11. not ever get it out from a position just because you have become impatient.
  12. Avoid taking small profits and big losses.
  13. never canceled a stop loss.
  14. Evita to enter and exit from the market continuously.
  15. play as well as up to downward.
  16. Do not buy just because prices seem low to you have to sell it even less if you seem high.
  17. careful not to increase your position at the wrong time. Wait until the title becomes very active and has pierced the resistance or support identified, the first increase of the positions.
  18. Do not increase your "play" after a long period of success. Risk of losing what you've won a few steps in a long time.

this site a journal because it is updated periodically and is not considered a means of information or an editorial product under the law n.62/2001.
Pursuant to art. 187 ter of the Draghi law is stated for all purposes of law that the author of this article is not written to the Order of Journalists and therefore has or may have the securities object of his analysis.
addition, this site does not constitute a financial counseling service nor does it constitute a solicitation.
The writer assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies of the data set, and anyone invest their savings by taking inspiration from the instructions you do so at your own risk.

The pages of this site does not constitute a solicitation.

The information contained in this site are the result of analysis of the authors and should be considered merely an element of study, analysis and information.

Operations reported may reflect in the business of the authors themselves and anyone trying to replicate it does so its total and exclusive responsibility.

There is also the financial instruments used by the authors for the same operation have a HIGH level of risk and require experience and knowledge in financial matters HIGH.

The authors of the pages on this site may have a specific interest related to securities and / or the financial instruments of analysis.

therefore accept any responsibility for any negative consequences that may result from operability based on compliance with the above directions.

In no way can be no assurance that the forecasts of stock market should occur


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