Friday, December 4, 2009

How To Connect Led Lights To Car Door Lights

Via Veneto a dark ...

Via Veneto from the cloudy sky. A dark
Via Veneto, which seems so dark in mourning. A
Via Veneto, you'd say that there is a blackout. Even if it's daytime, it seems that there is a blackout. A
Via Veneto, who looks at the sky and think of a little rain. A
Via Veneto ugly. So bad that we miss just a few steps "whore" to do the shopping.
But at some point, it is light again ...
A charming girl of Udine, going down the road.
E 'in thought, and the eyes a little off.
But it is equally beautiful.
which leaves everything to go with her.
But you can not do anything except watch the spectacle you are passing.
completely lost in those eyes a little off.
And then, everything becomes unimportant:
that cloudy sky, the darkness of that
way that seems to mourn;
the "whores" intent on shopping,
the rain ... chissenefregasemibagno ;
does not matter anymore now.
Nothing, except ...
lovely girl Udine, down the road.
It 's a beautiful girl.
in thought and the eyes a little off.
But still beautiful.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Good External Harddrive For Movies Tv

E va bene...

... would not be able to combine two colors either case, they eat things that my esophagus is refusing to turn a bolus, the climate would push to suicide too Pollyanna, are cacacazzi disproportionate in size and be able to give even a moral lesson in Gandhi. But


But this is the only place in the world that I know, that during the Gay Pride parade see the policemen and policewomen homosexuals in uniform, on a boat and police officer.
And then you know what?
Fuck 'o sole,' o mare, parmesan and bonhomie.

I am very proud to live in the Netherlands.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bridle Leather Belt Cleaning

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm.

Have Not Talk To Scorpio Man For Days

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm.

Female Adult Movie Actresses

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm .

Purina Cat Commercial

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm.

Pepe Muppet Stuffed Animal

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm.

14 Year Old External Hemorrhoid

mixed media on canvas
40 x 80 cm.

Can I Wear Contacts With Blepharitis

tecnica mista su tela
40 x 80 cm.

Cheats For Dune Buggy

SUN #01  
tecnica mista su tela
120 x 80 cm.

Whats A Good Bra Number

SUN # 01

Windows 7 Drivers For Pctv 150e/55e

mixed media on canvas
30 x 100 cm.

What Mg Of Diazepam To Give Dog


Wedding Seating Chart Template, Mac

POND OF Kois # 05
mixed media on canvas and gold leaf
40 x 80 cm.

Indian Wedding Lehengas 2010



How Long Do The Effects Of Alli Last

tecnica mista su tela
60 x 60 cm.

Model Number Hb-p90d23al-dj Will Not Work

tecnica mista su tela
60 x 60 cm.

Asperger's Syndrome Pilot Licence


Friday, June 26, 2009

Top Loading Dishwashers

Compendio di educazione sessuale in caso mi succeda qualcosa e i miei figli ne abbiano bisogno

(Chess, the next pope is elected or re-Asl in Milan you cut the sex education courses because they are too explicit )

The friction exerted on the outer walls (of the penis) or internal (vagina and anus) of your sexual organs creates a degree of pleasure in general inversely proportional to the embarrassment that you try to touch the topic. This is a bit 'summary of the affair, but given the time it is better that we add some other considerations.

The possible combinations between the agencies mentioned above (plus any other orifice you can think of) are all feasible enough that I put my shirt on health (oops, no, sorry, the other party m'è program educational) as long as you want it and both of you to use condoms (the black market would still sell them) until you're mathematically certain that you have sexually transmitted diseases. Chiaramente la certezza di cui sopra decade a ogni cambio partner. Se ci fosse anche il minimo sospetto che non l'avete usato, giuro che verrete rincorsi nel cortile della scuola col mattarello (da me, o da persona da me designata) di fronte a tutti i vostri amici, con la garanzia di rimediarvi la peggiore figura di merda della vostra vita. Siete avvertiti.

Se usate la combinazione pene-vagina e non rispettate il diktat materno del preservativo, prima vi corco due volte, e poi vi lascio per un pomeriggio in compagnia di un gruppo di azione pro-life. Mica perché sia d'accordo con loro, ma per farvi avere un'idea del significato di "atroce". Che a volte è l'aggettivo più adatto a descrivere la scelta del portare a termine o meno una pregnancy. Because the fact it is you choose to mom keeps us, and how.

But back to this mysterious sex, it seems that it takes a lot to tell paraphrase although it seems to me very simple, so that I almost finished, there are a whole series of actions-a corollary, ranging from pleasant to the fantastic, but vary from person to person, so do me the favor and began to touch a young age, before you find yourself the better.

And the first idiot that says "Yuck!" / "You'll go to hell!" / "You're a pervert" / "You are the hairs on your hands," sputategli in the eye and tell him that is on my part.

I love you. Mamma

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cover Letter For Physical Therapy Resume

Il dettaglio mancante

Find out what's missing from this bike. Guess who wins a round in while I was standing behind the pedal. If he survives run-in, clear.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Canon Rebel Xt 8mp Manual

Paesi Bassi, lotta senza quartiere all'ultimo voto per le elezioni europee

This morning, after having seen in recent weeks No 4 billboards and No 0 leaflets (but after being home a simple folding A3 black and white with the names of the parties - all - and candidates - all [1] - elections), a distinguished gentleman in his fifties, strategically placed in front of 'entrance to the train station in Haarlem, the gesture hints pudicissimamente to approach a leaflet GroenLinks (the Greens on the left). I smile [2] and the gentleman equally pudicamente, ritira il volantino.
I soliti radicali aggressivi.

[1] Il partito più stronzo si chiama (magguardaunpo') Partij voor de Vrijheid: Partito per la Libertà. All'ultimo posto tra i candidati, il leader Geert Wilders, una specie di Borghezio con la capigliatura di Little Tony, solo ossigenata. E quel colorito arancione che solo le lampade UVA batave riescono a conferire alla carnagione. Peccato non aver incontrato il loro banchetto.

[2] Un sorriso "grazie, ma anche no" che in Italia mi avrebbe causato d'ufficio la sottoscrizione di un appello contro la droga o l'acquisto di accessori di ricambio del Folletto per le next four generations.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sportscenter Anchor Salary

"Che mangino brioche!" (e due)

are in Rome and are particularly nervous.
Then read the blog "dde left" becomes fun activity that allows me to vent a bit 'bile. Specifically, all those who have decided that the class is not water, and that the Berlusconi affair business gossippara Letizia is just vulgar and unworthy of the attention that they deserve instead of issues such as the drift of galaxies. That gentlemen are born, we left the nabbimo, and these things we talk to the hairdresser (who, the hairdresser, even though we left, makes the populace, and many set is simp v v v and distinguishes sene, eg v ca v ity ). And then that horror

Republic, but what's that, journalism? No one talks about something pallosissimo is sex and Carnazza, and psychopathology, and I'm so blase that I have to put the protections in the nostrils, too sensitive to deal with anything other than geopolitics in Latin America. Losing
usual opportunity to capture the key point.

The fact is that for the first time in years, a national daily newspaper you are exercising in a noble art misunderstood: the fact-checking . And he's doing it on an episode that the whole nation follows. (The horror, are passionate about sex and Carnazza, instead of the last performances of Ascanio Celestini with the flag bearers of Marostica and Fura dels Baus ... but we think?)
dde But we left it is not well, because the noble art of fact-checking should be applied only to topics nobles. Losing
usual opportunity to capture the key point.

That the real issue is not who Berlusconi is trumpet, but if you mind or not about it. (Eeeh, come on, do not retreat out of the investigation by Kenneth Starr, for those are American Puritans, and then see that finally had the crisis that have both?) (1)

But no, it needs to be even well to oust this evil from his seat. That
manginobrioche want to win talking about politics. (What there is more "political" a state official who continues to lie to the citizens of that state is not clear, but must deal with the unstable equilibrium of the Caucasus.)

So what is, manginobrioche. Introduce yourself tomorrow in front of Palazzo Grazioli and challenge him, nobly and gallantly, slapping him with a glove. Then, as you roteate sword and he pulls out a gun as Indiana Jones, happy that you, the populace, there we are never mixed. And even on his death will be able to grasp the crux.

Son boast.

(1) position shared by Tremonti and manginobrioche

Friday, February 27, 2009

Samsung Reclaim Block

Mavvà a non morì idratato

fifties, perhaps a hundred , between individuals and associations have taken the trouble to make a statement in the prosecution, accusing someone of murder. I mean, not been content to think, but also say, or show under the windows of the clinic, stay hydrated and that nutrition is a murder - that's democracy, baby! and everyone is entitled to have their say.
No, here we are fifty, perhaps a hundred, between individuals and associations, that one morning he woke up, made breakfast, and serene as the morning went to attorney to say, "They are killing / They killed a person!" .
mean, these guys are not fighting for a belief, an idea, to preserve what they consider an inalienable value. No, they want to see Beppino Englaro in prison. Including the honest Taormina (who also did the above, has at least loudly ventilated ).

These fifty, perhaps a hundred, between individuals and groups, I dedicate the revised version of one of the most classic Roman accidents.
And since we do not wish for death and disease, luuuunga opt for a life that is so sacred to them and fully deserve to be sent to prison for 17 years a father who has had to face every fucking day of the most excruciating pain: the loss of a child.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cheap Metal Core Scooter Wheels Cheap

O' zappatore

Felicissima evening
all sti Signuri 'ncruvattate
and Chesta cummitiva accussi Aller,
of uommene scicche and Femmene Pitt!

chest and na festa 'and dance ... All
cu 'and Fracchesciasse Signuri sti ... And
', ca só' scis' in copp''o sciaraballo, without
Search 'or permission, Abbate i' as well! About

How about 'MOUNT!
Aggio arap 'on the door and I know
' trans CCA ...

Music, Musician! Get
bite honor ...
Tonight, 'mmiez'a st'uommene aligante,
Abballe a Secretary-digger!

(there was doing the only thing to do Uolter that any party leader is voted out, without too much scripted. There was almost. But no, because he has put on staff. Gladiator and digger. Vomiting.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kirby Carpet Shampoo Alternative

Turlupinamento for dummies

I refrain dall'ululare my opinion on the case which is flashing Italy.
It 's very clear and certainly not susceptible to change.
the rest is called the personal sphere is no coincidence.

But one thing I want to try it.
I want to try to reason with what I think are saving Eluana Berlusconi and Napolitano is the killing.
not tell me that is an impossible task, I still believe in the power of logic.

So let's start with a fact: the decision of the Court of Cassation in November 2008. If you do not even October, I did not check. But it is, is that we do in November.

Now, if Berlusconi wants to save the life of Eluana as this decree has not brought out in these two (three?) Months, but waited for the day when the doctors began the procedure for suspension of nutrition and hydration? Why
moved only at the last second?

I guess I do. I do not know if you like it, but it seems solid: it seems to me that Berlusconi has waited until the last second this scripted programming in the media "prime time" of the last hours of this poor girl in order to polarize the interests of all. According I just do not care that he not only Eluana alive, but is feverishly doing the calculations to ensure that its sorties coincide with the death of Eluana. Because Berlusconi has never hidden a lot to desire the office of Napolitano (with his). And so the fact that you think he is a savior and a bureaucrat Napolitano murderess he would return very comfortable.

But here, I'm malpensante. I do not pretend that you agree with my analysis.

But a doubt, any doubt as to why Berlusconi has intervened only when it started to disconnect the machines can not you be?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Gujarati Salam Pak Recipes

2009: Fuga dar Trionfale

are in Rome. I am alive (the witness's family status, if I had to certify this condition I would not be so definitive). They are crushed in the usual bureaucratic nonsense that make you curse an event which already struggling to reconcile. Moreover my father always went to hurry and snapped cristonatura on time. The fate cynical and cheat requires me to choose between paying a roar of money and be free and beautiful Italian to bury my past, or that I did not save money and stay here by name, prey to all the bonds and snares, as Gianni Perego and Romolo Catenacci, because I nun I go, and more Roma nun.
short, a choice to be made in all serenity.
Anyway, this post is not on my cock (although extending it to the world that has a cathartic and therapeutic), and basically not even a post.

is a question.

A question I ask continuously for five days since I came back in a city where I do not feel anything other than theft, robberies and rapes, and if it went well so 'flown only a pair of slaps on a rear end collision. A city where the helicopters fly daily minimum safe distance - Alcatraz, basically. Creepy stuff.
Fortunately, in a little 'I repass. But you, how the hell do you live there? No, seriously.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Frederick Cooper Lamp

Can't Believe How Strange It Is to Be Anything at All

What a beautiful face I have found in this place That
is circling all round the sun
What a beautiful dream
That could flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye and be gone from me
Soft and sweet
Let me hold it close and keep it here with me

And one day we will die
And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
But for now we are young
Let us lay in the sun
And count every beautiful thing we can see
Love to be
In the arms of all I'm keeping here with me

What a curious life we have found here tonight
There is music that sounds from the street
There are lights in the clouds
Anne's ghost all around
Hear her voice as it's rolling and ringing through me
Soft and sweet
How the notes all bend and reach above the trees

Now how I remember you
How I would push my fingers through
Your mouth to make those muscles move
That made your voice so smooth and sweet
Now we keep where we don't know
All secrets sleep in winters clothes
With one you loved so long ago
Now he don't even know his name

What a beautiful face
I have found in this place
That is circling all round' the sun
And when we meet on a cloud
I'll be laughing out loud
I'll be laughing with everyone I see
Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all

Neutral Milk Hotel, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

Ciao pa'.