E mo' spiegalo a C.
Negli anni passati con C. mi sono resa conto di una cosa piuttosto imbarazzante: nove volte su dieci, quando mi tocca spiegargli come funzionano le cose in Italia, quelle che erano pacifiche certezze si sgretolano alla velocità di un incredulo "You must be kidding me".
Neanche un inglese tutto sommato decente riesce a salvarmi da questa slavina: non è che non riesco a spiegargliele (a un certo punto lo interrogo per vedere se sta seguendo), è che proprio certe idiosincrasie, specialmente se raccontate in un'altra lingua, si manifestano in tutta la loro abbacinante nudità.
E no, non sto parlando delle consuetudini al volante o dei phenomena folklore festivals dogmatic upgraded to state : I speak mainly of things in which I believed for years.
I must say that initially gave me the sense of destabilization a bit 'dizzy. Lately however I'm really into. I find the phase "Explain to C." is the best crash test to assess the tightness of an opinion. Now that the devastating effect of the first attempts that I know has gone to optimize the results I get trained. That is, before launching a mad dash with my ideuzza, only to realize that I'm tripping through the air like Wile E. Coyote beyond the edge of the precipice, trying to pre-test it myself. In short, bungee jumping would not be as fun if you had not the almost total certainty that the rope will hold.
is why last night's crash test does not find me unprepared. I mean, I did a little 'the dumb, but just not to betray the spirit of the moment.
- Ciccio, today I was reading something that Max wrote on his blog ...
- What?
- The fact that he thinks the unions are the only hope for workers in Italy.
- but want the union ?
- NOOOOOOOOOO! That stuff is Mafia! Nothing more than a guild! Italian trade unions have a proud tradition of mutual aid societies, it is they who have elevated the strike by means of claiming rights and, well, I'm not telling what they have done in the past, but if the workers in the factories do not die like flies, it was thanks to them!
- Capito ... and now they do?
- Well, basically they discuss with the unions of employers, and together they decide how much workers must earn. And every few years have pain, because the salaries are adequate and clearly the employers do not want to give.
- Oh my God, making it seem that being part of a trade union is a scam.
- Why?
- Well, because if you're writing them decide how much you earn!
- Er, Ciccio, I think I have explained ... They decide to all workers. That is, in theory no, but in practice yes.
- WHAT? And why??
- Beh, perché così tutti guadagnano almeno un minimo...
- Questa è una cosa giusta... ma quindi decidono solo i minimi?
- Uhm, no, veramente di fatto decidono anche i massimi, visto che ci sono anche livelli che variano con l'anzianità e a ogni livello ci sono degli scatti che poi vengono assorbiti nel... come cazzo si tradurrà superminimo--
- Scusa?
- Niente, lassa sta'...
- Ma poi, scusa, ogni volta che nasce una nuova professione questi devono creare il sindacato apposta e discutere di retribuzioni?
- No, di solito per far prima ti piazzano in un sindacato che già c'era...
- E quindi tu che lavori nell'IT?
- ... metalmeccanica...
- Nothing is loose '...
- But then those who vote?
- Well, I guess there are no internal elections ...
- But then they decide for all ...
- Eh ...
- But still, they conclude that only the salaries?
- No! They are still struggles and demands!
- Type?
- Type last year ... have virtually stopped since the Prodi government had to make implementing the decree that led to the minimum pension from 57 to 60 years for those who stop working in 2008.
- Sorry, but you did not say you're not Italian you could not retire before 65? And you have fewer rights to those who retire in 2008?
- Nothing is loose '... However you can contact them if you have problems at work.
- Oh yeah, I thought ...
- only that the union is only found in larger companies.
- In what sense?
- In the sense that only big companies have trade union representatives.
- So who's in the union also works in the company? But that is not subject to pressure?
- No is protected because it can not be fired -
- I meant pressure to "positive."
- Ah ... hmmm ...
- Okay, okay. And those in medium-sized companies and / or small?
- Um, they can go to the offices of trade unions and cross your fingers.
- Hm ...
- But sometimes it works - put the press: the causes of the work always win.
- But you said that journalists Italians are virtually a caste?
- Nothing is loose '...
- Okay, as usual it seems to me something very Italian.
- What?
- The fact that the work is seen as a curse from which a benevolent father / boss must save you, because you are no matter is too stupid to do it. Basically they do not recognize a minimum of autonomy in your ability to negotiate your time. And do not give opportunities to improve or change direction. We believe that all Italians I know complain about the work they do: enter the system and virtually forgotten about hamster type in the location required. And what's more, if you are outside the set course of trade unions have not even a law.
- Mh.
- And then Max says that they saved the Italian workers?
- Yeah.
- How?
- Ciccio, I do not know ... sometimes I get the impression that we left veterans suffer from the Stockholm syndrome . Hostages of mad sadists, but without the courage to send them to fuck off because we have no more idea of \u200b\u200bhow life can be without them.
- And now why are you smiling?
- No, I thought to crash test. They are useful, no?
- Eh?
- Nothing ciccio, woe is' ... 'Night! * Click *
(only you can send me shit for this post ... but the only relief the emotional reaction for a month, then it's, eh?)
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