Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kate's Playground Cojiendo

not have the library. Let us help! The output

Dear riders of the blogosphere, I'm here to give you a sensational news, the kind you fall then even the language so you can lick your wounds (Pali and Odd): it's summer, will reopen the Billionaire Flavio Briatore! What
ass, you say!
I've never been too mundane. Until a few years ago, the Billionaire not even know what it was, nor I wanted to know. But I am very curious
a declaration of Diliberto, who interviewed the Billionaire Bignardi said he would go to, if ever, filled with dynamite ...
And that will never be a new intifada against the Billionaire? All of this magnitude!
there's more, since some days before sui giornali era apparsa una dichiarazione di un ex Ministro, Giovanna Melandri, la quale in una sua dichiarazione aveva negato di aver mai messo piede al Billionaire. La Melandri al Billionaire? Roba da querela!!!
E invece no, visto che la ex Ministra fu smentita da una foto apparsa su vari giornali, che la ritraevano mentre faceva un "balletto" nel locale di Briatore.
Evidentemente c'è una certa interscambiabilità dei ruoli, tra Ministra e ballerina: la Melandri, Minista, fa il balletto da Briatore. La Carfagna, ballerina (e calendarina) fa la Ministra nel Governo Berlusconi. Tutto torna, no?
Quando ho saputo della Melandri, mi sono cadure le braccia e ho pensato che fosse il caso che si ritirasse a vita privata. Mi ricordo che in una edizione del Grande Fratello, la Melandri aveva fatto recapitare dentro la casa dei libri, per ovviare alla vergognosa ignoranza dei concorrenti.
E tra Grande Fratello e Billionaire c'è una linea di continuità che fa paura: il target è lo stesso.
Pura apparenza, esteriorità senza contenuti, spreco, ignoranza.
E allora, perchè non recapitare (non dico il tritolo alla Diliberto) ma quanto meno dei libri al Billionaire?
Lancio una proposta a tutti i (pochi) lettori di questo blog, ma nella speranza che anche altre persone vorranno partecipare all'iniziativa: creiamo la biblioteca del Billionaire!!!
I toured the site of the local people the restaurant, the disconteca, but the library, no!
Then, the proposal would be this: you write an email to the Billionaire has recommended the purchase of a book (possibly your favorite book). This will make good (though only partly) to the low cultural level of most of the guest room (remember that wealth often goes hand in hand with culture ... and in fact I do not think a scientist Briatore), and especially to ensure that The next time that Melandri will travel there, not be forced to engage in ballets (the preferred Carfagna) but can rush to the library. Send mail to the following address: @ nicola.parente (e-mail address is reported to the contacts).
So, we want to give a hand to Briatore to create a library for its customers?
Ps: I'm undecided whether to recommend "The Count of Monte Cristo" or "Ocean Sea". I'll think over the next few days and then send the mail. Books that you recommend?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lowlights For Brunettes


Zelig From an episode of a few years ago, I learned a very valuable education. A comedian, I can not remember the name, he revealed that for going out - and pick up a lot of girls - the ideal was to be three.
If you go out alone, in fact, girls think you're a loser. It therefore does not combine anything. If
esci in due, pensano che siete due omosessuali. E, di nuovo, non combini niente.
Invece se si esce in tre, cambia tutto: infatti le ragazze rimangono spiazzate, non se l'aspettano, sono addirittura incuriosite: " quelli sono in tre!!! Non è uno e quindi non è uno sfigato, non sono in due, quindi non sono omosessuali... ma allora, cosa sono? Andiamo, andiamo!!! ".
Insomma, volete rimorchiare? Cari ragazzi, uscite a gruppi di tre!
E così ho fatto la scorsa domenica sera. Sono andato con due miei amici a Trastevere. Uscita in tre, tre ragazzi diretti a Trastevere. Bè, meglio di così...
Ma giunto sul posto, e resomi conto, visto the bad habit, that we would not hit on any girl, I'm reminded of the final part of the course of the comic of Zelig: is not out in three, if the three, two are gay, and the other is a loser.
As I recollect this terrible warning, I set my teammates out. And I could not fail to notice that indeed, a retro-expression by homosexuals, I had it.
Want to see the girls in Trastevere, they are exchanging sex for two?
And if they are homosexuals, who am I, the loser? No, no, no, the face of a loser I do not have it, absolutely ... the face of a loser have it .... has it ....
here, that of the next table! What really has the face of a loser!
For a moment, the vision of what was at the table beside me reassure: that has a face like a loser, not me!
(although, on reflection, to find a prototype of a loser there was no need to cast an eye at the next table! My fellow output, as well as gays face, also had a face like a geek. .. and how can you think of going to the trailer with such beings bi-fronts! )
But the thing that is worthy of note, is that what was at the next table, the loser, applied the "rule of 3 ", as she was with two other people.
Two fags? NOOOOOOOO!!
Two strophic!
That, with the loser's face, he was accompanied by two strophic, I will in Accompanied by two gay!
And what does what in the company of those two? We should exchange a table, he and I ... so, just to recreate the situation in the monitoring of the comedian: Output three, where two are fags, and the third is a loser! He would be fine in my place!
But no. I had to keep the two homosexuals. He, the nerd, the two strophic!
Needless to talk of a debate redistributive perspective: I'll give you a gay (so I have a backup), you give me a strophic (so you have ATR).
Bottom line: if you want two strophic, assume an expression of nerd ...
And in any case do not carry around two homosexuals that have both a face like a geek. In this case, better to go out alone!